[hr] [center][img]http://img14.deviantart.net/ebf6/i/2014/283/2/f/ice_princess_by_wlop-d829uy8.jpg[/img] [h3][i][color=aquamarine] The ride to the past~[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][color=aquamarine] " Haha...Kettle. " The memories will always return at some point and here I stood to want a peaceful and boring life, a letter from an old friend. It was always fun to be around friends; I liked it to be different...and now my life has suddenly gone downwards. My father's steam has cooled down after I informed him that I was not kidnapped. Everything was normal now, until now. Soon I was off to the distance places, I can still remember the scent of nature and its rotting and yet pleasuring smells. The sounds of villagers walking by as I passed by them. And in the few days to this cafe, there were paths that made me remember my distraught memories. [i]Why...am I doing this? Aren't I that lonely used-to-be-princess?......No[/i] But memories are supposed to do that...they come back dashing towards you or simply being mailed towards you and now you have a choice to live with risks within your life and worries within them. My intent...to discover. Days after the note had arrived at my humble abode I was already there. In the flatland's, that seemed to be surrounded by enormous mountains. And also by the fact that it was cloudy and a single hole within the clouds let light seep through and hit the exact mountain where the cafe was at. [i]Coincidence?[/i] I laughed at the thought and continued on upon the dirt path. The town was strange, the architect and how it was built was intriguing and slightly hard to take in. The citizens were nice as well and showed me the path to the cafe. Oddly I forgot about the name and so I had to find my way around until [i]poof![/i] I saw Kettle in her awesome attire. Quickly, I jumped off my horse and tied it upon the wooden rails, " Stay! " I whispered to Joan the horse and thus, I quickly ran into the cafe. But my personality does always change whenever I'm near people. The crowd was small inside but still...it was slightly pressuring. But my doubts were flying in, wondering if someone has forgotten me thus I decided to simply wave at Kettle and take a seat near her table without the other two noticing how awkward I was.[/color][/center]