Riza had let go of her head and pulled the water bottle away when she soon began coughing. Riza was relieved but she noticed Wolf's confusion. She was about to tell her what happened when Robin and the team came it to see her. She bet it was Jarvis who gave them the news. She didn't mind but she wondered if Wolf was ready for so many people. She did smiled, happy to see them and how happy they were up until Wolf suddenly grabbed a bucket and vomited this threw Riza back and quickly looked to Wally. "Please get Dr. Strange. I think she's having a flash back." Wally nodded but only only went to see Dr. Strange but Jonn and Dr. Fate. Riza rubbed the poor girls back to help comfort her while Meg'an and Conner decided to make some room so they weren't crowding. "It's okay Wolf. Everything's fine. We're back at base. You were unconscious for a while." Riza wasn't going to get too specific right now. "Everyone's fine. Even Robin." Stark told her while she continued to rub her back. She thought of using some magic to try and relax her body but it would probably be a bad idea with a sorcerer coming into the room to see her. She didnt know about Dr. fate and Jonn coming to see her too.