Blinking awake at the sound of a voice, Tamn regarded the 'human' with curiosity, sure, she had seen holograms before, but not [i]that[/i] often. The given message seemed a bit…… under dramatic? Or was that just the way it was delivered? [color=9e0b0f][i]They probably don't want to freak people out just yet.[/i][/color] she thought, shifting so she was sitting in a more comfortable position. Her train of thought was then directed on a different track as she realized how very little she knew about this school. She had heard it was a place she would learn to become a hunter, someone to eradicate Grimm, and that had been enough for her to apply, but really? she had no idea what she was leaping into. Resolutely deciding she really needed more information, Tamn sprung to her feet, picking her target and weaving her way over to where he was staring out the window. Standing behind and to his right she tapped him on the shoulder, [color=9e0b0f]"Hey, do you know much of what the school's like?"[/color] She asked, [color=9e0b0f]"Or what it's said to be like, anyway."[/color] she hastily added after it clicked that they were all newcomers.