Annalynn nodded slowly as Maggie and Kiera discussed the most diplomatic solution to talking away the captain's disappearance. "Commander Mason," Annalynn kept it formal, as always, "the most challenging part will be convincing Station Yankee III that Captain Ray is too busy for them. It is likely that their current station head will at least want to briefly discuss the package we are delivering with the Captain. Diverting attention away from our lack of a Captain isn't too hard, but it will be more challenging than convincing the miners on Iorus II that Captain Ray cannot be bothered with them." Slightly adjusting her position in her seat, Annalynn continued, "In any case, I suggest that I or a qualified member of the Science department go ashore, as well. After all, someone has to verify that we aren't being ripped off. And despite my better judgment, I also nominate both Ensign Mallory and Lieutenant Rama. The ensign will need to restock his... wares... and someone will need to keep him in check. Our chief of security does an excellent job of that, I believe."