Alto was aware that he'd lost the girl somewhere. It probably wasn't a problem, him being combat ready hadn't seemed to draw anything out to attack him so she was probably fine. Either way, there were some epic space battles going on. He was looking out a window now, and as he watched, explosions bloomed across the black canvas of space. Suddenly, the ship rocked as if something was trying to come in from the outside. He couldn't see where it was coming from but it was probably going to be dangerous. He dashed around a corner to see a large group ahead. [b][color=darkslategray]"Verily! What a queer sight to meet my eyes!"[/color][/b] He said, still in character, [b][color=darkslategray]"Pray tell me, is there one among you who wishes to relay the situation to a complete stranger?"[/color][/b] ((Alright, that was kinda bad but it's something))