[hider=Brian Robinson] Part One: Information and Cosmetics Profession: Retired High School Teacher Name: Brian Robinson Age: 67 Gender: Male Appearance: Brian is of average height and build. His large glasses have a strap on them to keep them on his face. He keeps his greying hair short and his face clean shaven. He wears khakis and a polo shirt normally, but has a windbreaker and sweater should the weather require. Backstory: Brian Robinson always liked working with his hands. Growing up he would take apart anything he could get a hold of to see how it would work. After serving a tour of duty as a mechanic in West Germany, he took up a career teaching physics and shop class at a high school in the City's suburbs. He also applied his skills at home, making multiple renovations over the years and building several pieces of furniture. Retiring at 60, Brian and his wife Karen moved into the city to be more centrally located to downtown. When the outbreak hit Karen was visiting their nephews an hour's drive outside the city. In their last phone call she said that the military were setting up a base near their nephew's house, and that she and the rest of the family were going to try and weather the storm with them. He hasn't heard anything since. Part Two: Skills and Equipment Skills: - A decent knowledge of physics in regards to mechanics (Newton's Laws of Motion, Gravity , etc), Electricity (Coulomb's and Gauss' Laws, etc), as well as the Calculus needed to work with them. - Half remembered German from his time in the army - A working knowledge of home and auto repair (Though most modern cars are too computerized for him to really do anything under the hood.) - Basic First aid training - Technically has some combat training from his time in the army but has never used it outside of training. Starting Equipment: - E-book reader with multiple novels, scientific publications, and DIY Manuals. - A fairly extensive toolkit amassed over the years, able to handle most basic home and auto repairs. - Assorted hammers, nails, screwdrivers, screws, wrenches, pliers, hacksaws, bailing wire, zip ties, etc. - The only power tool is a battery powered drill with drill bits and screwdriver bits. - Ammo boxes in closet containing an emergency kit with - 6 days of food in the form of freeze dried hiking food - 6 days of water in the form of water cooler jugs - First Aid kit - 5 reflective space blankets - Storm-proof Lighter - Battery Powered Radio - Headlamp - In addition to the standard emergency supplies, Brian has invested heavily in backup solar power. - Torch 250 Flashlight: A flashlight with multiple ways of charging itself and other USB Devices) - Goal Zero Yeti 400: A large battery pack that can be charged with solar panels. Can output AC power as well as DC power. - Two Boulder 15 Panels: Solar panels too large to carry around, but sufficient to recharge the Yeti over the course of a sunny day - Guide 10 and Nomad 7: A solar panel that is about the size of a spiral notebook and an accompanying battery charger. Can charge AA and AAA batteries, or provide USB power. - A multitool. - Wallet - Keys - Digital Watch - 1 month of heart pills Starting Weapons: - Everything in a toolkit that could be used as a weapon - A machete used to cut roots when repotting plants Part Three: Personality, Psychology and Physiology Bravery: 7. Brian knows that he is not the most fit-to-fight person in the building, but he is determined to help in what ways he can. Psychological Stability: 6. Brian's conviction to see his wife again is what is keeping him going right now. Reaction Speed: 4. Old age hasn't done Brian's reflexes any favors. Physical Strength: 5. Brian's daily walks have left him reasonably fit. Constitution: 3. He has a heart condition that is currently under control with medication. Party Control: Yes [/hider]