[i][b]Nodah Listig[/b][/i] [i][color=f49ac2]"Good to see you again, my dear sire."[/color][/i] Nodah turned his head at that, gazing at the succubus Nuna. The corners of his lips twitched. Yes, salvaged ties certainly gave favourable returns. [color=00aeef]"The pleasure is mine entirely,"[/color] he replied, inclining his head to her. [i]To call me sire, though,[/i] he thought. [i]Peculiar, but I shan't publicly object now.[/i] He watched with mild amusement as Nuna made a fresh target of Kuroda Daichi, sporting his beanie, though not for very long. He did not seem to require assistance, taking on the role of a good-humoured gentleman even as Nuna danced away with his head accessory. It was not until the succubus kissed him, that all seemed to go awry. Nodah's ears flicked at a hiss, as though a python had uncoiled from the depths of a demon girl, and reared its furious head. [i]"That succu-bitch!"[/i] It took a blink, before food went flying all over Nuna, and the demon rose from her seat to intervene. [i]Temper, temper[/i], he thought, hiding a wry grin at the dramatics before him. Daichi was proving quite popular. Oh, Rosewood wouldn't be at all dull, would it? But as Daichi fell and grasped for the demon, uttering for his beanie to be returned - followed forebodingly by a death threat - Nodah came to stand. He rose, striding around to Daichi's side. [color=00aeef]"A very good day to you,"[/color] he said to the demon, offering her a smile. [color=00aeef]"If you would be so kind, do lower him please."[/color] NOdah lent her a hand in laying Daichi on the ground, taking care to roll him onto his side. It would be unpleasant should the Nocturne choke. He gripped Daichi's wrist in his hand, and paused. [color=00aeef]"He has his pulse,"[/color] he said shortly. [color=00aeef]"Perhaps he'd like to awake in a less...congested environment. The medical wing, for example. I imagine Yayo Fiji would be overjoyed to be of assistance."[/color] Nodah sprang back to his feet, and made a beckoning motion with his hand. Daichi rose limply into the air, the gravity beneath him manipulated to keep him lying in the same position. [color=00aeef]"You need only say the word,"[/color] he addressed the table at large, seeking their thoughts on the matter. Nodah was prepared to set off if the need arose. Were they?