Mischa woke up with a yawn. He sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and looking around to see that he was the only one still in the room. he did notice that there were four other beds meaning he had at most four roommates, he didn't know who or what they were as he curled up and fell asleep not long after entering the room. He rose from the bed and located the door to the bathroom a went through it, emerging a few minutes later with a fresh set of clothes consisting of a long-sleeve black shirt with a red vest and a pair of black pants and boots, though he still had his collar around his neck and the small attached bell that made no sound as he moved. He walked back over to the bed he slept on and picked up his rifle and slung it on his back. He exited the dorm and headed to the portal that acted as an elevator taking down to the cafeteria in accordance with that elf's message. it seemed most everyone else was already there and eating so he headed toward the area it seemed everyone was getting their food, along the way however he spotted the back off a fairly large demon. He stopped in his tracks at the sight and his face lit up with a smile seconds before he pounced up onto the demon's shoulders and threw his arms around him "[color=9e0b0f]Aeyz, it's been years i never thou-...[/color]" he opened his eyes again to looked at the demon "[color=9e0b0f]Hey wait you're not Aeyz[/color]" He said before falling off of the demon and tumbling onto the floor.