[quote=@Spriggs27] I wonder when everyone will notice Eiko and Xavaior at the Cafe too, espcially Eiko cover in the blood of her enemies [/quote] I'm probably going to mention it on my next post, since they weren't there the last time I posted, if I remember well. [quote=@Kindos] [@KoL] I probably should have said, that it was his actual spin but a copy of it. since he can create new bones, he is basically creating a new spine as he is ripping one out. However, the motion is done so fluidly one would not even notice, making it seen as though he only ripped it out. As for how gruesome it would look when he does push said bones out of his body, I would like to say not very gruesome. I was thinking it would look similar to the way it looks when [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kimimaro]Kimimaro[/url] uses his, having the skin around the protruding bone close once the bone is no longer there. [/quote] That is more understandable, and here was I thinking that the answer was because he used Mortal Kombat physics...