Riza continued to rub her back as she handed Wolf the water bottle while offering to take the bucket that she had in her hand to set it aside. Glancing to Jonn, she felt the temptation to roll her eyes at his suggestion but only was going to do what Wolf wished. If she didn't want her to rub her back anymore, she would stop. Riza took note that her mind was going wild because she was confused. So when Wolf asked what happen, the Stark girl provided answers. "Well. After robin got shot on my behalf. which he's okay, you got angry. You didn't kill the guy but you did hurt slash the man's face after having been shot quite a bit. After that you collapsed. Conner got you, Wally got Robin, I helped Dr. Strange and we got out of dodge. Got you to base, Flash took you to the Medical room. Some of that was a little fuzzy since I was talking to Strange. However we had found out that you had a healing fractor that was only usable in shadows. He and i rushed to the room they were operating in with you and where robin and the other's would be when I suggested that they turn out all the lights. You healed in the shadows and were in a comatose for a week. Fate thought it was a bit ridiculous to turn off the lights till Batman told him to." Riza explained, leaving nothing out so Wolf knew all that happened from her side. Everyone could explain their side of course but with that last sentence, she felt a bit of her father's side present itself for not leaving out details and the snarkiness he had. it showed itself but she points those things every now and then. Dr. Strange would know first hand. Wally covered his mouth as he had come inside to hear what Riza explained, hearing the snarkiness within the last sentence. He tried so hard no say anything but he interjected with his typical updates of things. "And we got a souvenir!" He pointed to Dr. Strange. Riza looked over to Wally as her jaw dropped. "He's not a souvenir!" She protested of which Wally laughed. "What? I wasn't able to collect anything else besides a headache." He shot back with a grin. Meg'an couldn't help but laugh at the small bickering, thinking it was a bit funny. Conner merely smirked and shook his head.