[h3][center][color=crimson]Cyclone & Kho[/color][/center][/h3] The heavens hissed and parted, their carefully placed atoms, the tidy matter which made them up, melting before and fleeing the essence of the being that passed through them. It was a being of terrible power, its might dwarfed the very universe it had pierced. None had noticed it, concealed as it was. None would know of its presence except those whom it willed. It was a being most terrible indeed. Having entered this newborn universe, piercing whatever barrier there had been in its way, it allowed itself to see and feel all there was, its sight led it. It came to a rather small planet, set upon by babes who thought themselves gods. The being watched as they created and crafting. They had such purpose! Perhaps, it thought to itself, it should add something. A being of its own. It did not wish to create anything too spectacular, there was no need to attract the ire of whatever gods sat as guardians over this world. Something small would do. With that, it sent its will upon the planet. It flew and crawled, slithered and dug into the ground. It prowled the earth with hungry eyes, did the Will of the mighty being. Finally, it came upon them. A small community of creatures, two-legged and with strange black markings, living in a cave. The Will of the being watched the creatures and prowled the woods as they went about their simple lives. One, a young female by her looks, caugh the attention of the Will. It stalked her as she followed the forest path. Soon enough, the strange little creature sat down to rest. It closed its eyes and fell asleep. The Will approached her, like a mighty wolf, or a bear. Inspecting her, it knew with a certainty that this was what it was seeking. Without further thought, the Will entered her and placed within her a part of itself, and when it departed, some of that great being's Will remained within the sleeping creature. So it was and so would it be. [center]~==--==--==~[/center] There was a sharp crack as a twig snapped underfoot. No, not beneath a foot...beneath whatever foul appendages the Dyun were born with. Ialu halted in his tracks, sharply turning his head to examine where the sound had come from. All was still, silent, and tranquil, for a good few moments. Then, without hesitation, Ialu obeyed a sudden urging in his mind and hurled his spear into a nearby bush. Howling as the weapon flew true, one of the monstrous Dyun charged out. Its foe used a swift blow with a club to knock it to the ground, and just like that, Ialu had slain yet another monster. It was a strange existance for any sort of 'man': skulking in the woods looking for prey that stood on two legs, as if some sort of predator akin to the very thing that he hunted. But Ialu did not question his purpose. Indeed, he didn't question much of anything. He lived a slave to the strange and overwhelming urges that periodically consumed him and blinded him. This was how it had been for his entire life, a mere week or so by now. As an infant his only urging had been to grow, and so grow he did. Within three days he had become an adult human, and then left the cave to wander the wilds. He was different from the others in that cave. Whereas they simply existed and did as they pleased (which was usually not much more than eat and sleep) Ialu always had a goal, always had a purpose. He did not decide what his objective was. It was a lonely existence, without a doubt. Right now the mysterious urging only goaded him to walk, and so he aimlessly milled about wandering through the wooded hills of Arguilla. It was not long before he was assailed once more, this time by a different breed of monster: Cimex. The territorial insectoids jumped from hidden perches in the trees and landed in a circle around the intruder on their land. Without warning, they surged forward as one to attack. The things had never experienced weapons before. Indeed, at this point in time Ialu seemed to be the only human on Galbar that had ever thought to craft a spear or utilize a club to defeat foes stronger than himself. In any case, having never so much as seen a spear before, Ialu only had to level his weapon towards one of the charging Cimex and allow the thing to impale itself upon it. He then quickly bashed a second one of the Cimex in the head with his club, in much the same way as he had finished off the Dyun from earlier that day. His strength far greater than his rugged and humanoid appearance might suggest, the wooden club crushed the Cimex's head like a juicy fruit beneath one's foot. By now the other Cimex were upon him, two in total. They slashed, clawed, bit, and tore, but all to no avail. Ialu seemed nearly impervious, ignoring the massive insectoids as if they were mere flies. The fight devolved into a wrestling match, and needless to say the strange human known as Ialu came out as the victor and lone survivor of that encounter. He wandered through the woods for the rest of that day, eating fruit as he found it and effortlessly felling any monsters that dared assail him. When night came, bringing with it stars and a bleak moon to loom over the petty life beneath the sky, Ialu only stared into the heavens. Transfixed, he had the strange notion that he belonged there. At last, well past dusk, he collapsed into a heap and fell asleep beneath an ancient (by the young planet's standards, at least) oak tree. [center]---[/center] That night Ialu had his first dream, and it was a strange experience. He found himself exhausted and alone, a dull and boring grey that existed in a world that consisted only of utter black and pristine white. Dominating this entire dream world was one great mountain of jagged rock, and Ialu stood at the very bottom. Feeling that urging even in his dreams, he set about climbing the mountain. But the rough stones cut his hands, and the blood made the bleak stone face of the mountain even more treacherous... Utterly exhausted and struggling to find purchase after only ascending a meager ten feet up the mountain, Ialu dejectedly looked back down. To his distraught, there was no longer anything below him: all the rest of the land had vanished! There was only him and the mountain, in this strange world. He had nowhere to go but up; no purpose in his entire existence but to climb. Suddenly, the mountain began to crumble though...color returned to the black and white world, and he found himself in the real world, awake once more. He rose from his troubled slumber to find that another Cimex was attacking him, and this time the dumb beast was chewing on his foot! Ialu killed it with his club. [center]~==--==--==~[/center] The Will watched in silence as the manifestation of the mighty being's Will destroyed yet another of those bugs. It had a purpose, though it did not yet understand. It will one day know, the mighty being was certain, that these urges it had were due to its naturally higher purpose. It was the Will of a divine being after all, it could not settle for the simple lives of mortals. The Will returned to its progenitor and with that, it withdrew from this young, new world. It would watch over this one.