[h2]Misaka Mikoto[/h2] Mikoto held the crepe out as Kuroko teleported towards her... and then only briefly detected the approaching metal before the coin went clear through the crepe and splattered cream and filling everywhere. Well, mostly onto Kuroko. For a few moments, Mikoto stood bewildered as she held the sad, destroyed remains of the tasty snack in one hand, her own crepe totally unharmed. Her eyes went from the ruined crepe to the direction of the coin, ultimately falling upon what appeared to be the girl who had tossed it looking rather shocked herself. Had it been an accident? It seemed unlikely given how targeted the coin appeared, but... Mikoto sighed. "Did you trip or something? Jeez, the chances of something like that..." she complained, unsure of just how much she could blame the older girl. It did seem like an accident, and so when she spoke her tone was disappointed rather than angry. "It's not like I can go up and ask for another one..." Though... maybe it was intentional? That coin had hit awfully hard... "Sorry Kuroko..." she began, before glancing at the other girl, "Did you-" Mikoto cut herself off when she saw that expression on Kuroko's face. Share? Oh no, she knew exactly how her twintailed roommate would take something like that! Sharing food with Kuroko would lead only to perversion! And.. and even worse eat... eating the crepe off of her body?! Flustered at the embarrassing, perverted suggestions, electricity crackled around the Third-Ranked Level Five's head. "Suggesting... something so perverted... you...!"