Almost as quickly as he'd come, he was unceremoniously ejected from the Spirit World, and dumped two miles outside of the Yendakhor'ghi, the Tree of Knowledge. Kei'taro could speak some Ancient Owl, after spending some time with a few of them on his travels; but had never been to their revered home of the Tree. That fact was lost on him, as he recounted the conversation. His brother had resurfaced again, and was making a play for the Spirit World. Rosuto, his father, wasn't upset by the knowledge; in fact, seemed to almost welcome it, as he knew he was the unparalleled King of the Spirit Animals, and all that entailed. He had simply wanted Kei'taro to know that his brother had made his way into the multiverse he now inhabited. Oh, and he wanted Kei'taro's head on a platter. It was an easy way to not only serve his own powers, but have the abilities of Kei'taro as well. [b]"Stupid bastard,"[/b] Kei'taro mumbled for the twentieth time, as he made his way to the Tree of Knowledge; unknowingly of course. To make matters worse, his Father had decided to heal him, after a thorough railroading of the consequences that could have unfolded if Pikatok had of actually died. Kei'taro's eye was functioning and not swollen, but he was still having a hard time seeing out of it. Pikatok had rough skin. Chuckle. He finally approached the tree, watching the owls float and glide about among the branches. Maybe his old pal Gelui would be here. He always made him feel better.