Luciel cautiously stepped around the mess, their attire being less than ideal for trodding through sloppy uneasy footing. Beginning to have doubts about the placement of the hole, he had little time to consider a revision before the stomps of the inevitable guards turned his attention behind himself. His first few swipes missed, one of the guards catching the tip with the handle of their knight stick, snapping the thorn in two. He had little time to react before being siezed by the guards. The first one dropped his knightstick to grab Luciel's arms, swiftly pinning his wrists behind his back with one hand while trying to put him in a sort of headlock from behind. "Get her legs!" He shouted while three of the guards who drew their weapons collapsed in a pool of viscera from the inside assailant. Luciel used what little reach he could manage to pull his legs up and drive his heels into the gut of the second to last guard, sending him sprawling into the rocky sludge. The hex groaned and squirmed, barely able to udder a sound through the guard's gradually tightening grip, attempting to choke Luciel out. Lifting Luciel the rest of the way off his feet to accent his determination, he would have received a nasty headbutt to the face if it weren't for the convenient visored helmets which were standard issue.