[color=f49ac2]Nuna Mori [/color] The beginning of a conversation came to an end when suddenly food was knocked over onto her clothing. The demon from the table nearby had exclaimed in a demeaning tone, [color=fdc68a]“That succu-bitch!”[/color] This is what Mori presumed to be her statement, but it wasn't clearly audible at the moment; she would retain this premise for now. Nuna was engaged in kissing the Nocturne, but later to be realized kissing was not the only event taking a course. Desdemona's earlier comment was not to be thought of until she came rushing over after the incident that occurred, ruining her attire. Nuna was not an idiot and could sum up the happenings of the events with her high perspicacity. She was very observant to watch people's characteristics and hold on even to the minute details. She immediately deducted that Desdemona was the culprit. Other than Nodah tending to the Nocturne who collapsed, the demon approached her. [color=f49ac2][i]"Could it have been Nodah? Doesn't seem like him."[/i][/color] All she needed now was her own evidence. By this time, she had returned to her dorm, recollecting as she entered the shower to restart her day. [color=f49ac2][i]"In the span of time from when I kissing the Nocturne to sitting down, there was no one near me..."[/i][/color] she stated as her body once again reacted with pacifying effects of the shower. [color=f49ac2][i]"Could she have been a gravitin. Maybe she used such a sly method to attack me. A gravitin..."[/i][/color] Nuna crouched, hugged her knees, pressing her breasts upon thighs trying to find the information. How could she be a gravitin though, as to the fact she would have felt more power surrounding the area. What else happened? She had to think of any events that happened towards her departure; [i][color=f49ac2]"Desdemona's statement...food...the Nocturne?"[/color][/i] She then in the same position, slid her hands down to her ankle. She felt slight pain, but no marks were left behind due to the boots that extended to her knees. She then realized that Desdemona may not have been a gravitin, but a necromancer! [color=f49ac2][i]"Ah. It's starting to add up now."[/i][/color] She could only assume that she was a necromancer until she remembered that event that raided her mind when touching the burned tree. Going by this data, Desdemona was a necromancer, who had the ability to resurrect carcasses. [color=f49ac2][i]"When did she find time to revive the dead? She must have a lot of spare time on her hands."[/i][/color] The incantation she drew on the floor on the first day, simmered in her head. [i][color=f49ac2]"She couldn't possibly have time to draw something like that. Unless they also have the ability to chant rituals."[/color][/i] She hit the nail on the head. The secret to deducing was placing herself in the shoes of the criminal. Her current position with her knees to her chest and the biting of her thumb increasing her deducting skills by twenty percent. She also derived that Desdemona was not very social, based on the lack of conversation she had with the group at the table and the way she acted on the first day, basically imitating Leval's first statement. Desdemona was a character that seemed like a leader, but in reality was biting off of people. [i][color=f49ac2]"Literally, she is biting people. How pathetic."[/color][/i] Nuna rethought the whole scenario incorporating her understanding. [color=f49ac2][i]"Desdemona was a necromancer, who must have gotten jealous after I kissed the boy. So with that she called me a [color=fdc68a]"[i]succu-bitch[/i]"[/color] and planned her retaliation. She summoned a creature to come knock over my food and bite my ankles forcing me away. She suddenly assumed a nurturing role of a roommate to numb me, but all I needed to thwart you was proof to back up your words. Even if I were to be incorrect, for what reason would she have for calling me such a derogatory name? Maybe the Nocturne was her boyfriend? If so, she would have been more direct with her approach, instead of being a coward."[/i][/color] The shower had turned off by now, but she had lost consciousness on the present, thinking of the situation. She stood up, her knees cracking as she rose and exited the shower again. Mori had exited the shower once happy, but now with a serious demeanor; a glare devoid of any elation. [i][color=f49ac2]"That demon better learn quickly that I'm not messing around. She has a death sentence and I will be ever so closer to getting revenge on her ass,"[/color][/i] she vehemently said in front of the mirror. She watched the process of drying and clothing take place. Again. Viewing her new attire, she was impressed as it correlated with her mood: a grey sleeveless high-low dress that flared out behind her, suited with a pair of matching grey platform ankle boots. She finished her thought process and exited the bathroom once more. [i][color=f49ac2]"I swear to the corroded earth, that if I have to repeat my day again, I will personally see that the demon will rot in hell."[/color][/i] She went to her bed and sat down to think of one last thing; the Nocturne. The cat had passed out after their smooch. [color=f49ac2][i]"I had not intended to take that much energy, but I couldn't help myself."[/i][/color] Before Nuna went to the room, she responded to Nodah. [color=00aeef]"Perhaps he'd like to awake in a less...congested environment. The medical wing, for example. I imagine Yayo Fiji would be overjoyed to be of assistance."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"I agree with your logic, but as for me I have to go clean up and will be there as soon as possible. And Desdemona as for you, don't worry your little heart about me, there are more imperative issues. After all, I did cause this."[/color] This was expressed before Nuna Mori had departed from the dining hall to the dorm. [i][color=f49ac2]"The kiss drew energy out of people, but its not as if I intended it. As for the Nocturne, I shall not think of him too much. If my attributes really did affect him, he should really reconsider how close he gets to a succubus."[/color][/i] Now prepared, she headed back out, but for the medical facility this time.