Cat silently followed, eyes continuing to scan around him. It was almost odd now seeing a store almost being untouched but it was to be expected. Video games were more or less useless when survival came down to it. As the woman known as Chris instructed him to go first, the cold eyes looked at her before simply moving ahead and paused at the door. Leaning foreword carefully to examine the doorway for any traps before going inside. He saw a bunch of boxes, most likely used for storage area. Looking around, he walked further before coming up with a smaller box, and he opened it. Blinking slowly as it revealed what looked like to be a bunch of junk food. Potato chips, nutribars, and the like. Most likely snacks for the employee's during breaks. Guess everyone just thought it was another box filled with useless video games. There was also a basic first aid kid resting on a shelf. Reaching and grabbing it, he examined it. It had some bandages and alcohol, should be somewhat useful in treating injury at least. Dog continued walking along though did turn 'his' head a little as Kaylah spoke up. Cat would of scolded Dog in starting conversation in the middle of scouting the place, saying it wasn't the time for useless chatter, but Dog couldn't help but respond with a smile. [color=coral]"Mhmm yeah. They were fun to look at because they had such pretty pictures and usually somewhat easy to read. I used to make Cat try and voice act with me when we read them or make him play Hero."[/color] 'he' whispered in turn before pausing in front of a clothing store. Sniffing a little, 'his' rusty colored eyes narrowed a little questionly before placing a index finger against 'his' own lips. Indicating to be quiet before drawing 'his' pistols from 'his' hips and slowly entered the clothing store. The dirty blonde didn't really know what was up, but something felt off. That gut feeling CatDog got when they felt something up. Wasn't always right, but they didn't ignore it either. Slowly and quietly, Dog made sure to stay in cover, crouching behind some podium stands for mannequins and dressers that were used to have clothes on them.