"It's not supposed to be fucking healthy, it's supposed to taste good and be full of sugar and other things that are really, really shitty for you," Kal responded sardonically. "Why do you think I'm packing so many of these fucking things? Eating healthy and shitting regularly isn't the best way to build the kind of calories I need to power my nanomachines in an emergency situation. Say, like, when we're getting fucking shot at. It pays to have a little baby fat, alright?" She snatched the candy bar away from Vas before he could waste it or do something else stupid with it and tossed it back on the cart. "Hop fucking to it, Mallory. Let's get this shit back to my room before the meeting starts. I mean, it's not like we'd want to miss that, right? Fuckin' assholes..." Kal mumbled curse words angrily to herself.