Nicholas stood in the front doorway, halfway in the house and halfway on the porch, while Mattie paraded up the stairs. He figured there would be no use in following her since she was going to change clothing, and he knew it would be inappropriate for him to watch her. He tapped his foot on the wood of the entry hallway and waited. She was taking such a long time, he started to worry about her on top of his anxiety of being discovered by the undead. He heard her yell something upstairs, but he hesitated to run up there because her voice didn't sound panicked and he hadn't heard any other commotion. As he contemplated running to her potential rescue, he saw her coming down the stairs. Relief lightened his head in a good way, and he was about to say something to her when she turned and went into another room as if she hadn't even seen him. He grumbled underneath his breath. Then, she finally came to face him again. "Untouched?" he asked incredulously. "Really? I've been in almost every unlocked house on this street." He pushed past her and started looking in rooms. Empty rooms. Definitely empty rooms. In fact, two of the rooms didn't even have furniture. After semi-thoroughly checking the entire first floor, Nicholas dubiously marched up the stairs and found himself in a short, narrow hallway. He picked the first room to his right, which seemed to be the master bedroom. He guessed this was where Mattie found her clothing, and left it. Upon entering the room across the hallway, the first thing he saw was a crib. He sighed. He already knew what was going to happen next. So, when he approached the crib, what did he find? A sleeping baby, of course. Or maybe it was dead. Sick? Infected. He didn't know. He stared at it as if it had just insulted his entire family. "Mattie," he yelled, "Did'ja check any other rooms? Come up here, please." Big blue eyes opened up and stared at him, and then the infant began to wail.