[quote=@Dungeon Blaster] No connection with angels. Just a big man in the sky that promises paradise to all those who are good in life. You could just come from a race of harpy-like beings? I mean that'd work. At least people would know what you were. On the other hand, they'd also be like, "IT HAS WINGS, ITS NOT FROM HERE, KILL IT!!!!" Which is not the end of the road. It'd just mean you would probably want to remain hidden during the day, or have a crafty disguise. Maybe walk around like a haggard old crone with a hunched back? Then suddenly BAM, away goes the tattered robes and out come the wings! EDIT: Sorry, I got carried away there. Being not human doesn't equate to an instant death, it just means you're more likely to get ratted out, randomly attacked and persecuted by the guards. [/quote] Fudge...your idea wouldn't work as well. She has a floating crown above her head . - . ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||....Hmmmm. Maybe she could be a healer? or just a provider for the Guild? I don't mind being a side character :P