This was truly a special occasion. Lila had never received a letter before. Firstly because few know her and second because there never arose a reason to send for her. But there one was, from a fellow explorer no less. Kettle and she had the opportunity to meet and trade stories of their adventures. Of course the more experienced woman had far more to tell. But it gave Lila something to aspire to. Apparently she was being called to accompany the adventurer to discover something far grander than she ever imagined. While riches were not of much consequence it was hard to deny the draw of the unknown. Speaking of, this cafe was well past lands Lila explored. But Kettle was someone that was worth trekking across the wilderness for. While there were others that she had come across in her travels none seemed as well versed. Most of the way was not very difficult to navigate. Her legs made travel quick and climbing over terrain easy. Well, most of the time. The wetland proved to be more difficult than most. Her legs coming to a point didn't leave much for surface tension. Might as well have been planting a stake in the mud. Sticking to some of the more dry patches her route was not as straight forward, but manageable. Thus are the problems when one passes the existing path. Perhaps procuring a proper map would have helped. "[color=steelblue]Finally. This place was so much harder to find than I imagined.[/color]" Then again, she usually just wandered rather than try to actually go anywhere specific. Climbing up the rock wall she spotted Grom. It was yet one of the many unexpected surprises of travel. She quite liked the cameldragon, another [i]mixed[/i] creature like herself. Petting it briefly she turned to see Nel backing away from the door. Curious she moved closer but announced her presence. Not doing so had a way of frightening other. "[color=steelblue]Hello there. Are you alright?[/color]" Having moved to the door she opened it cautiously and saw a great variety to beings. Four of which she had encountered in the past, they being the Forthwind, Sarant, Leon, and of course Kettle herself. Quite interesting. There was supposed to be some secrecy involved but apparently she was not the only one selected for this trip. She looked back to the woman behind her.