Ellie-May was just beginning to relax when Oswald perked up, baring his teeth, but not making a sound. She pressed her mother behind her and Stephanie reached into her bag, pulling out a food can just so she had something to fight with. Ellie-May lifted up her gun, her finger resting easily on the trigger. Pressing a finger to her lips, Oswald remained quiet, and Ellie-May gestured for him to stay with her palm. Oswald sat down, as if to assure her he would listen, and the brunette took a silent breath. Then, she swung around the corner, aiming her gun at the first shape she saw. Her finger was just about to pull the trigger when she realized the two weren’t the undead. Instead, it was a feminine guy and some girl whose clothing didn’t seem to be the smartest choice. They seemed to be older than her and looked as if they’ve seen more action than she and her mother have. Either way, Ellie-May couldn’t take the risk that they might be bitten. She has to know first. [color=7ea7d8]“Don’t move! You move, I shoot.”[/color] Ellie-May yelled, shifting slightly. She could only home that her mom stayed hidden, considering she didn’t have anything to protect herself with. [color=7ea7d8]“Have you been bitten?”[/color]