[h1][center][i][color=f26522]Kasuga[/color][/i][/center][/h1] It was time to begin. They were going to be fighting each other with almost the intent to kill. If they went in with actual intent then things could get dangerous fast. He knew that things would be different in the actual Chuunin Exams. They'd be sent against people who actually wouldn't hesitate to kill an enemy and people who survived the exams, but failed to win or become a Chuunin. The experience that they had could make it dangerous for them. Would they be ready for that? He had to get all of this out of his head. This was not the time to be thinking about that. He had to focus on this right here. He took glances at Okami and Shizuka wondering who would make the first move. Okami announced that it was her turn and he knew what she was going to start off with. She practiced lightning style and the jutsu she tended to favor was her Seven Lightning Wolves technique. In other words she was very predictable. That was something that could cost her if she faced an opponent that was used to her patterns. Fortunately the exams had many strangers for potential opponents. He waited for her to perform the jutsu. He was right. She did start it off with that. Four of the wolves were heading straight at him. He tended to be outnumbered, but he didn't mind. He quickly pulled his sword out of its sheath and was glad that his techniques with the sword didn't require any handseals. [color=f26522]"Since we're yelling out techniques... [i]Wind Style: Wind Blade Slash!![/i]"[/color] As he yelled it out he swung his sword in a slashing motion sending forth a wave of cutting wind directly at the wolves. He was trying to split the constructed wolves in half to cause them to dissipate. He wasn't worried about if it worked or not. He was retreating into the trees as well and did so by jumping backwards and up after his attack. [@Arista][@ViolentViolet]