[color=fff200]Leval Lamrue[/color] Leval couldn't believe his eyes, the succubi girl had drained the life energy of a fellow student right there in the middle of the cafeteria. The Nocturne was unconscious. The majority of the rest of the table had stood up and over to the Nocturne and he seemed to be alive, but injured. Leval stood up and cast a minor Weave over his voice to amplify it around the room. He stood up, making his illusory form tower above all the seated students of Rosewood. His voice boomed across the cafeteria, [color=fff200]"Druids in the room, please raise your hands![/color] Several students jerked taken aback at the imposing figure and his booming voice, but several hands were raised. Leval nodded approvingly, in reality standing on the table to see who was raising their hands. [color=fff200]"We have a hurt student here, Succubus drained him. I need you, you, and you to go and heal him."[/color] He pointed at the the three closest druids in the room. They stood up and walked over to the unconscious Nocturne and began to perform their healing spells. Leval remained standing overseeing their efforts. He made a note in his head to take back the apology he had given to the succubus the night before.