"Soreth you should be helping me beat her, not stoping us!" Lorne told him as he get off the floor, trying to listen to where the woman, Wrenna apparently, could be. He thought he had located her....but it was Soreth, or at least he was in the way of where Lorne thought she was. He couldn't get around Soreth in his state, so with a sigh he sat down. Satisfied with the punch she had given the demon that had attacked her, Wrenna sat down. It was better to try and let Soreth work out the situation first before trying to flee. Or at least let him figure out how to get this blind spell off of her. "It's not another painting of me is it?" Wrenna asked when Soreth mentioned a new painting. "You've painted her!?" Lorne exclaimed at that question. "Soreth, she is a human, and in case you haven't noticed recently, your life is in more danger then it usually is!"