[h1][color=9966CC]Uchiha Shizuka[/color][/h1] The ninja stood silent, apparently watching the ground though she was secretly watching each of those before her through her eyelids just as easily as she could have just looked at them with her regular eyes though that wasn't nearly as fun. Okami had a habit of acting the same every time something happened and she knew well enough that it would be the lightning wolves that would be sent at her though it wasn't difficult to predict their path and step toward them while she raised her head again. Her bangs hung in her face, masking where one of her eyes had gone completely white and the veins around it bulged as she looked at the walking masses of chakra running toward her. She dropped, stooping low until they were nearly upon her and, unlike the others, Shizuka did not yell her technique for the world to hear, and simply spun while pushing her own chakra forth from her pores in a short rotation that blasted away the lightning wolves. With the animals taken care of she ignored the boy that was making his way into the forest, clearly to lie in wait or set a trap when one of them came after him, and took another step toward Okami, unafraid and unbending though without a moments hesitation she ducked to the side and gestured her hand seals for her Fireball technique and breathed the whirling ball at the other girl. It was a distraction, though one couldn't simply ignore a giant ball of fire about to burn you alive, but the threat was very real and even if it was just a training fight everyone knew that the Hyuga-Uchiha would show no mercy. She was one that would beat even her friends into submission as proof that the freak was a power house and when fighting she showed the ruthlessness of a soke and the cold of a bunke. She ducked beneath the fireball, seemingly heading straight for the girl though as she used her chakra to push herself off of the ground she dodged to the left and came around that side, little did the girl know that it was just another feint.