[color=fff79a][center][h1][i]Okami[/i][/h1][/center][/color] Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Okami watched as the fireball came her way, her eyes catching the feint her friend was aiming for as she moved to the side. Ignoring the faint, familiar start of a headache, Okami quickly began the seals for her next jutsu and felt the same familiar buzz of lightning just beneath hee skin. This was the first time she'd use this jutsu outside of her training sessions, and to be honest, she couldn't wait to release it. Keeping her face blank, Okami stepped forward as the fireball neared and with the last seal, slammed her palm into the ground once more and felt the tingle of her chakra seeping into the ground. Jumping up and raising her right hand she focused a bit chakra to coat her arm and with a wave, she sent a strike of lighting straight towards the mass of chakra. A feint for a feint, her lightning mines were ready. She spun and almost allowed a grin to spread across her lips when she felt as well as saw her chakra begin to seep through the ground, they still had no solid form but for now that was fine. She landed near the center and as she neared one of the near-invisible streaks of lighting she stepped over it and watched as they began to glow faintly and connect with the others that were scattered around. Nodding she reached for her weapon that was strapped just above her pouch, freeing her kusarigama she began to spin it. She winced slightly when a faint throb began at her temples but shook her head, she needed to focus, Shizuka wasn't one to hold back and truth be told, she'd been waiting for this for awhile now. Plus even if she'd been able to keep her chakra from being visible to others, Shizuka had no trouble seeing it, she sometimes envied her friend for it but she'd wanted to test her abilities against both Kekki Genkai. [@ViolentViolet] [@King Kindred]