[u][center][h1]Columbia: Near Leticia, Forty-Eight Hours Ago.[/h1][/center] [/u] Marcus's eyes were focused on the monitors displayed in front of him, showing the battle he and his "team" were engaged in at the moment. A few days ago, they were tipped with information leading to a possible Class-A "Anomaly" lurking in the rainforests of Columbia. Though most accounts resulted in mostly Class-D or Class-C anomalies, there were a few occasions where Class-B would appear. And to find a Class-A was considered a very rare catch, even with his track record. This "engagement," was currently being fought in a remote area just south of the Amazon River; which was proving to make this mission a little difficult. Initially, the tracking down and stalking of their target was easy as they didn't attempt to hide their "abilities" from plain sight. In all actuality, it seemed to be accepted in the small village where the target lived and worked everyday. But even under all the "good" it seemed the target was doing for the village, Marcus knew it was all a sham to exploit the people. [color=ed1c24][b]"Echo-Charlie, this is Mike-Golf."[/b][/color] Marcus spoke suddenly into his mike, breaking the radio silence. [i][color=f7941d]"Mike-Golf, this is Echo-Charlie. Send it!"[/color][/i] A rough, adrenaline-fueled voice responded over the receiver. Weapon fire could be heard, with follow-on explosions. [b][color=ed1c24]"Echo-Charlie, move your team to the right of Alpha-Delta's position. Move in for 'Sting-Ray,' how copy?"[/color][/b] Marcus replied. [i][color=f7941d]"Solid copy, Echo-Charlie out."[/color][/i] The earlier voice responded, killing the conversation. A few moments later, the movement called "Sting Ray" was executed and their target was neutralized. Bagged and tagged in the field, his team radioed in the target was down and still breathing. Standing from his terminal station, Marcus placed his hands on his waist and let out a deep breath. The fight was finally over and no one from his team was critically injured from their engagement with the target. Radioing back to the team a job well done and head to the extraction site, he nodded to the operator nearby and started making his way to the back of the office space they were occupying. While his operator was keying in commands to the extract team, Marcus opened up the blinds of the "blacked" out office and let in the sunlight. A bit blinding at first, he accepted its warmth and light anyways; reminding him of the woman he was doing this all for in the first place. Sara always loved sunshine Marcus recalled, but he was one for darkness due to the nature of his work. But the sunshine was all he had left of his beloved wife; other than the pictures of their time together before the "Hexes" killed her. [i][color=f7941d]"Sir, the team is making their way to the LZ and extract team is en-route. Any further orders?"[/color][/i] The operator called out behind him, obviously still at his terminal. [b][color=ed1c24]"Break down and lets get packing. We're out of here in six hours."[/color][/b] He replied. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [center][h1]United States: Classified Location, Current Time.[/h1][/center] After unboarding from the military C-5 Glaxy that brought them into the United States, Marcus instructed his team to get some rest and be at the office tomorrow morning. He on the other hand, had paperwork to fill out and send to his superiors in Washington so they could write their checks. Just walking into his office, his desktop starting sounding off for a notification with those on the Hill. Throwing his gear onto a nearby chair, he quickly made his to his desk and took a seat. Typing in his password and passing the security placed on the computer, he was greeted with a single message from his contact: Mr. Smith. Opening the encrypted document, his eyes started scanning through the coded e-mail till he reached the message meant for him. [color=fff200][u][b]THE WOLVES HAVE LEFT THE DEN. STOP. WOLVES HAVE OPENED THE SEASON NEAR THE BROOK. EXECUTION ORDERS ONLY.[/b][/u][/color] So the "Hexes" have managed to break in and release some of the most heavily guarded of their kind? Marcus had spent the last few years putting those "anomalies" behind bars to keep safe the rest of the population. Sure, there had been attempts to breach the facility and release the prisoners; but none had ever actually done so. And from the looks of the reports, it was done sloppy and a few of the guards were killed in the escape. And now his team was being given one option to handle the situation: kill them all or be killed in the process of doing so. Marcus was ready to meet his Maker and his team would follow him through all the rings of Hell to complete the job. But were they really ready to handle more than one in a single fight? That remained to be seen.