[center][h3]::::::::::::::::::::: ::: [i]Deia Ticy[/i] ::: :::::::::::::::::::::[/h3][/center] Deia wheeled herself into the cafeteria. She was told to come here by Nina, for nutrients (i.e eating) and that she would follow soon after. Unfortunately, since she was kidnapped, she had not once fed herself. She had always been given food either through spoon feeding or if whoever was in charge of her wasn't feeling particularly patient, dextrose needles. The latter happened more often that you would think, which resulted her in being physically healthy, but dangerously thin. As the chained girl used her powers to bring herself inside, she took notice of all the different people around her. It was disorienting, to say the least. Being surrounded with so many people without being told what to do was overwhelming to her, and so Deia decided to do what she deemed the most acceptable course of action. She blotted out the sounds of everyone there. Limited as she was, she couldn't go with her favored tactic of shoving everyone outside by force, so she simple muted out everyone's sounds to herself by preventing sound from entering her ears. Deia finally relaxed. Without all the buzzing around and with something to do, she was not so nervous anymore. Now all that was left was for Nina to show up and feed her.