Introducing.... [hider=Lihua VuHong] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT][i]Lihua VuHong[/i][/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT][i]Li, Dìmiàn zhèndòng shāi[/i][/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]44[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]6'2[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]182[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Central Valley[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Black[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Brown[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Chinese[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Lihua clearly looks the part of a matriarch that is leaving her prime. She carries herself with grace like royalty, and never slips up. She looks like that that condescending bitch who looks down on you, and judges you for your lifestyle (Both are true). Everything about her is neat and orderly, she wouldn't let you live if you so much as saw her with a spec of dirt on her. Lihua is a tall, obviously Asian woman, the kind of woman that just stands out in a crowd. She has a thin build - but recently, Lihua has been putting on some weight. She has developed a bit of a gut, and thickness in her arms, legs, and breasts. Fortunately, she isn't completely rotund. She's clearly working to lose this weight. Though, there was a point where she was nearly in peak physical condition. Those days are long gone. Moving on, Lihua's arms and legs are rather proportionate to her body. Due to the heels she wears, she tends to appear a lot taller than people may guess. Lihua's skin is a whitish color with heavy golden-overtones - true to her Asian Heritage. Her facial features are Asianic, more consistent with China. Lihua is battle scarred, if she takes off her clothes, everyone would see every scar she has. Burn scars, slashing scars, bullethole scars - it's astonishing that she's even alive here today. She's managed to keep the scars off her face, though. Most of her scars are fading. Other than that, Lihua's body has an appropriate amount of stretch marks - a given, since she's recently been putting on the weight -, blemishes, and wrinkles, given that she is aging. Most notably, there is a large mole on her right cheek. Lihua's facial features are heart-shaped, and she has a small head. True to her heritage, her eyes are slanted, and have a deep-brown color to them. Her nose is triangle-shaped, and very pointed, with triangle-shaped nostril. She has a small mouth - Her lips are thin, and usually painted a pink, or red, color with lipstick. Lihua has a strong jawline, and a square-shaped chin, with particularly small cheeks. Lihua has small, diamond-shaped, ears. Lihua's hair is straight, clean, and very well-maintained. She keeps it styled in a bob-cut, with bangs off to the side.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Lihua's eyes are always seen behind a pair of sophisticated glasses. On the job, Lihua tends to dress up like a business woman, wearing pinstriped suits, various dress-shirts, and skirts. Lihua tends to wear heels that elevates her height by a few inches. In more casual situations, Lihua tends to dress well anyway. She'll wear a skirt of some sort, along with a dress shirt. Even if she's at home, she always makes a note to dress very well. Lihua wears jewelry, along with things like sunglasses.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]One fierce woman. Lihua, despite everything she's gone through, has kept her competitive and standoffish personality. People refer to her as being strong, albeit very aloof and callous. Lihua is a woman that holds her pride and accomplishments as a woman above all else. She would hate to take another blow to her pride. Which is why she's very quick to retaliate once someone attacks her. Someone throws a punch, and she's certain to hit right back. And if she doesn't get even in that moment, expect her to retaliate at the earliest possible opportunity. That's just her beliefs that she was raised upon. Not returning a proper show of force is a form of weakness. She's quite haughty, and arrogant, her body simply emanates vanity. Aside from the raging arrogance, one of Lihua's other defining traits is her discipline, and patience. Years of years of training and experience has given Lihua an amount of temperance. The ability to resist base desires and hold in her anger. Her will is iron-hard, and very rarely will she give in to temptation or any of the sort. This woman contains her anger very well, though, she's rather easy to annoy. She'll shrug off petty insults, and other irritants - usually distracting herself. However, once people push her buttons too many times, she can be a handful. Very hard to control - and even harder to calm down. Though, she has a habit of slipping into Chinese whenever she gets annoyed. Lihua is very determined, and rough, once she gets herself set on a goal, she can be very hard to get her away from that goal. Lihua is very competitive, and always strives to reach the top. She won't hesitate to fight for her positions. When you need a leader, she's there. In conversation, Lihua is very polite, albeit rather condensing. She's very choice-y of words, and quiet, only speaking if she has something to say. Though, her openness is rather situational. In professional settings, she's rather aloof, to the point, and rarely shows emotion. In casual settings, she's much more friendly, and passionate, casually throwing jokes and having fun. Around people she distastes, she tends to go into closed-off mode until they go away - acting very passive aggressive. Underneath the friendliness, she tends to judge the people she's around silently. Judging them off their hobbies, jobs, and all around life choices. Hell, she'll even judge you by the shoes you wear. She keeps these sentiments to herself. With this judgmental attitude, she filters the people she wishes to associate with. At times, she'd flat out tell people that she doesn't want anything to do with them. It's relatively uncommon for her to forge close bonds with other people. The way she treats her family differs from how she treats friends and co-workers. She expects the best from her children, and she guides them so they don't go down the same paths that she has. She's very strict and controlling, but in the end, only wants what's best for her family. I don't even have to say that Lihua's a mother bear. Fuck with her cubs, and she'll eat you. Lihua is very in touch with her sexuality, and won't hesitate to hit on a man that's her own age. Under it all, Lihua is a very cruel and ruthless woman, who won't go to any length to achieve her goals. Whether those goals are good, or bad, and how she obtains them are moral or not. Right now, almost everything she does is for her family. She just wants a quiet life - but at the same time, she doesn't. She truly feels awkward, since she's worked with the military for all of her life. Adjusting to a normal American life is not easy as it sounds. Lihua is haunted by her past, she's seen, and [i]done[/i] some very fucked up shit. Things that keep her awake at night, and wonder what would happen if it caught up with her. Lihua is deeply paranoid, and keeps a gun close to her at all times. People want her dead. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Interests? Lihua is a woman that enjoys the quiet, simple, moments over the hectic and excited chaos teens are used to. Though, I should note one thing that she loves: donuts. If she isn't seen with one of these sweets, something is wrong. The second she came to America and tried one of these treats, she found them simply delectable. Fucking with her donuts is a good way to get her angry. Now, Lihua enjoys Yoga, martial arts, bike rides through the city, and sculpting statues with her power.[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Lihua has, due to (You know) living there for a good chunk of her life, a near mastery of the Mandarin Chinese language. She can maintain a conversation in Chinese for extended periods of time. It's English she has trouble with. Now, Lihua has, for a good chunk of her life, worked for the military, and has tons of experience under her belt. I should note her hand-to-hand skills first. Lihua nearly achieved black belt status in Tai Chi in her youth, and has been taught Chinese Military hand-to-hand. She was a pretty badass fighter.... Was. She's rusty, and hasn't practiced either form of martial arts in years - not to mention the fact she isn't getting any younger. She'd get her ass kicked by someone younger that knows what they're doing. Lihua also knows how to shoot a variety of firearms. Pistols, assault rifles... though, she prefers a simple pistol, that's what she's best at. She has a good aim, it degraded a bit, but she can still shoot straight. She has an easier time shooting a pistol, though. And she has loads of experience dealing with, and fighting Metahumans. Along with espionage and information gathering. Some of these skills have stuck with her enough for her to use them on reflex. Finally, her most defining talent is leadership. She's been put in charge of a large group of people and lead them to victory. That leadership skill translates to other fields... quite well. She's also incredibly skilled with using her powers, as she was trained, and has much combat experience.[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [hider=Start of a Tyrant][INDENT]Lihua Vuhong was born Lihua [i]Baozai[/i], and she lived in Hong Kong, China for a great deal of her life to an upper-class family, along with her younger brother, Jiao-Long. Lihua was a fire-y type from a young age, picking fights with other kids in school for shits and giggles, and coming home rather bruised (And in lots of trouble). This got worse as Lihua grew up, and it reached the point where her parents wanted to discipline her. So, they signed her up for Tai-Chi classes in order to teach her what they couldn't. At first, Lihua thought they were teaching her how to fight! Boy, was she wrong. They quickly whipped her ass into shape the second she stepped out of line. While it was rough at first, she eventually went along with it, and her parents got what they wanted. As Lihua grew up, she used Tai Chi as a way of life, and became very skilled in the way of martial arts. Nothing of note occurred until she was around thirteen. That's when her magic power manifested. She was just walking down the street, and when she took a step, a stone spike popped out of the ground. For no reason. She brushed it off as the acid she took kicking in. Later that night, she put a hole in the wall. She realized that something was definitely wrong here. It took her awhile to realize that she had manifested a Metahuman ability, the ability to control concrete. It was scary... but at the same time, amazing. She made this one of her best kept secrets, something that she would learn to control... First thing Lihua did was fix her fucking wall. For years, Lihua kept her power a secret, and practiced it on the side. Always small scale, since she was afraid of what would happen if she ever went larger scale. Once she turned eighteen, her parents suffered a divorce because of some grievances between them, her mother left with Jiao-Long and went to America. Because reasons. Lihua choose to stay in China because she liked it here, but she kept in touch with her family. She had perfected her techniques with her power. Then everything changed when the men with the military came to her home. For Lihua, in fact. One of the men said that she was definitely a Metahuman - then he told her that Lihua was conscripted into the army. Her father couldn't dispute this, he had no choice but to go along with it, or all of them would go to prison. However, Lihua was taken to a place far away from her home - in fact, it was no military base the public knew about. Lihua was shuffled into a room full of people just like her, and a man told her why they were here; they were Metahumans, and thus, conscripted into a organization known as [i]The Gai Hexin Yuan[/i]. China's newly formed elite Metahuman intelligence and espionage group that nobody else in the world knew about. They were to be trained in Espionage, combat, and other subjects, along with being trained in their powers. Lihua tried to resist at first, but she was disciplined very severely... Until she too, went along with it. She went through the very extensive training regime, and learned all sorts about her power (How to use it efficiently, and how to use it much more destructively). After a few years of training, Lihua was ready, having excelled until she was considered the first among equals. Each of them were considered. They were assigned their first mission, slip into India and steal some information, and they passed it with flying colors. Then they were assigned their next mission, then their next mission, and so on. During these missions, it was clear that Lihua was the best out of all of the recruits. Displaying leadership and skills far beyond her peers. They promoted her, and assigned her leadership of the team, while other members of the Gai Hexin went out to recruit new Metahumans. Leading this organization, Lihua carried out mission after mission. Cutting down Metahumans, and doing whatever she was asked to do. However, in between missions, she fell in love with another one of her operatives. And after spending one night with him, she came out of it pregnant. She was fiercely reprimanded for this, and was demoted. However, she was given time to leave, and have her child, because of how successful she was in the field. Nine months later, she gave birth to a healthy girl, whom she named [i]Meifeng[/i]. She was given time to recover, before being put right back out onto the field. Meifeng was given to her father in order to raise her. For eight years, Lihua was their most effective agent, and quickly ascended the ranks, right up into Officer Cadet. Lihua was one of China's greatest assets, and she wanted to keep it that way... That is, until something [i]very bad[/i] occurred one night that turned China's greatest asset, to their most wanted criminal. At least she had a head start. Lihua grabbed Meifeng, and asked her brother, who had become a prominent scientist and owner of a major company (Apart of the Savior Foundation), to help her get out of the country. He obliged, and helped her get into America. They first arrived in Black Fall, where they discussed what happened, and where could they go from there. Jiao-Long suggested that Lihua join NEST... Put her talents to good use. Well, Lihua didn't like the organization (Or America) all that much, but she had no where else to go. Though, Jiao-long let them stay at his mansion for awhile so they can rest. Lihua stuck with them for two years, and bonded with her brother's variety of children. Before she signed up for NEST, and was accepted into their training regime. Months later, she passed, and was assigned to Verthaven. Lihua quickly rose the ranks of NEST, and became one of their top agents. Credited for the apprehension of several criminals, along with acting as a rather professional Social worker. One year in, and Lihua got pregnant again, and after some time off, she gave birth to her beautiful daughter Lijuan. Lihua kept working for NEST, and continued climbing the ranks. Yeah, yeah, there's some missing pieces that'll be filled out on the IC.[/INDENT] [/hider] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Unknown Lover Bohai Baozai - Father 66yrs (Deceased) Biyu Baozai - Mother - 71 Meifeng VuHong - Daughter 17yrs Lijuan VuHong - Daughter 3yrs Jiao-Long Baozai - Brother 36yrs Chunhua Baozai - Sister in Law 29yrs Lin Baozai - Niece 25yrs (Has a combination of Shape-Shifting and Telepathy) Jia-Li Baozai - Niece 22yrs (Can manipulate a mixture of light and darkness) Kura Baozai - Niece 16yrs (Has Electrokinesis) Mika Baozai - Niece 23yrs (Has Cerebral Power Replication)[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][b]Meifeng[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Daughter[/b] | [color=00BFFF][i]"Meifeng is my daughter... She is a wild child, very lively. I... don't know what I'd do without her."[/i][/color] [b]Michelle Gallus[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Fellow NEST Agent[/b] | [color=00BFFF][i]"Apparently, she's the up and coming NEST Agent. I've yet to see anything substantial."[/i][/color] | [b]Jennifer Caspin[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Meifeng's Friend[/b] | [color=00BFFF][i]"One of those girls that Meifeng met at school. They hang around a lot, but I think Jennifer is nothing but a deadbeat."[/i][/color] ||[/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Concrete-Manipulation.[/i] [INDENT]At the right age, Lihua has developed a form of terrakinesis that is limited to controlling concrete. The very matter that makes up the very city of Verthaven. With hand and feet motions, Lihua is capable of manipulating concrete. Moving it telekinetically, and shaping it. These two uses have plenty of offensive and defensive applications when you get down to it. On a small scale, Lihua can shoot concrete shards, create spikes of concrete, or forge a shield around herself. On a larger scale, Lihua can create dramatic structures, and absolutely destroy other structures - with a considerable amount of effort, of course. With this power, she can bend the city to her will. One trick she came up with is basically creating Earthquakes. She can focus, and cause the concrete around her to begin violently shaking. Causing untold destruction in the area. It'll leave her exhausted afterwards. Another trick is using her power to move around, by surfing on concrete. She can use this power to essentially fly by pulling a giant piece of concrete off the ground.[/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Lihua's power works as far as the eye can see - however, the further she goes out, the less effective the whole power is. She has a harder time controlling concrete that is far away from her than what's close to her, and it'll take more energy out of her. The same goes with the larger feats. Lihua's power is limited by the purity of the concrete. If it has asphalt, rebar, or any of the sort, she'll have a very hard time controlling it. It takes more energy. Lihua must stay in contact with the ground in order to use her power. She can't create any concrete.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]First of which, whenever Lihua manipulates concrete, she'll become "grounded". A state which her mobility will be very limited. It'll be very difficult for her to move, until she stops and regains her mobility. Even then, there will be a couple second lapse until she regains the ability to move normally. Using her power causes her skin to dry up and crack. Usually it's small and subtle with the basic uses, but the grand uses will instantly cause a massive crack in her skin. Which... is pretty bloody and painful.[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Lihua is a NEST Agent as an intelligence officer. She keeps a Glock 17 as her sidearm.[/INDENT] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] Lihua VuHong!