[b][i]Zephyr[/i][/b] Zephyr looked on in disbelief at the events happening. Both Nuna and Desdemona had turned out to be petty girls, not worth the attention Zephyr had initially given them. Although he understood Nuna's behaviour, her being a Succubus, he couldn't believe Desdemona would act so... [i]human.[/i] He looked at Daichi's unconscious form, and stepped over it on his way to Desdemona. Could he have healed him? Yes, but Zephyr preferred not to be helpful if he didn't have to be. Reaching her, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the dining hall and into the quiet corridor. She protested, but Zephyr was mostly brute strength and she might as well not have resisted at all. Once outside, he whirled on her, irritated. [i]"You. What's wrong with you?"[/i] He growled. [i]"That was, without a doubt the most idiotic display I have ever seen in my life. You're a demon, for crying out loud! Not that I'm an expert, you being the first one I've met other than myself, but do you always act like such a brat? Doing that over a guy you barely know? What's your issue?"[/i] He demanded. Normally, he didn't care when people made fools of themselves, but it irritated him that the first member of his kind he'd met had turned out to be so disappointing. He liked making enemies as much as the next person, but Desdemona seemed to be doing it because of a stypid crush, which pissed him off no end.