[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c7/d6/5f/c7d65f6a00cf5562d210d66281332f20.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Tico no Tico (Yukino Kakashi) Age: 17 Race: Youkai Gender: Female Height: 143cm Weight: "[color=ec008c]C'mon, ask me again, I dare you. I might have to bite you for it though, nya~[/color]" Personality: Rather bubbly and energetic, just how every Neko is. That is to say if most cats weren't lazy furballs. That aside, she has boundless amounts of joy and happiness that is said to be so strong that it passes on to others. In about every sad or gloomy situation you can count on her to brighten the mood and bring the team moral back up, she just has a knack for bringing positivity, it has something to do with her lovable nature and younger sister like aura. Of course, she is in love with Neko Girls, or cat girls, she dresses up everyday without fail, you would think people would shoo her away from shops or public areas, but they don't seem to mind, after all, she's not hurting anyone. Skills and Powers: [i][b][color=ec008c]C'mon Guys! Don't Fall Asleep Now![/color] [/b][/i]: Holding her paws to the sky, Tico creates a large pink orb that explodes and sends small orbs flying off in search of her comrades. When they come in contact with these orbs, they are healed from exhaust and injury. [i][b][color=ec008c]Nya! I'll Dash Into You![/color][/b][/i] Running on all fours at extreme speeds, she tackles her prey multiple times, on account that she can't actually stop herself and she needs to bounce off other objects to slow down. [i][b][color=ec008c]Come! Kitty Kat Family![/color] [/b][/i] All of a sudden, a army of Kittens arrives, everybody from the feline family is here, Uncle Lion & Tiger, Grandmother Leopard, Grandfather Cheeta oh and look over there! The bobcat cousins! After these cats have done whatever it is they feel like doing, they dissipate into pink sparkles and return to the crimson sky. Bio: "[color=ec008c]I'm just your everyday cat girl, nya! What do you wanna know about me? Nyaa?[/color]" Not being the most intelligent of Youkai, she left her world in search of something more exciting and interesting in the Human world. Low and behold she came across a cosplay cafe. Unfortunately for her she couldn't work there unless she became a chaser... Whatever that was, regardless, she did it. Now she could work at a cafe, meet new people everyday and chase mice! She has no real concept of money so she never actually uses anything they give her as compensation for working. Equipment: - Standard Dual Hand Guns: It's probably a bad idea, that they gave these to her. Which is why they didn't and she stole them, with her big paws they're a bit hard for her to grasp and use, but she is strangely managing quite well and is getting more accurate with every try. - A Whip (Her Tail): Ah yes, her tail, a strange part of her body that is able to extend and snap back into place, she can use it to whip things, swing from one area to another or even to just look plain cute. It's said it's the key to how she balances herself. - Claws: Retractable claws that come out of her paws, they're stronger than any human knife, after all, they come from a cat, that's from an entirely different realm. She tends to only use them in close combat, or when she feels threatened she'll show them off to scare away a potential attacker. Other: Obviously she has the reflexes and likeness of a cat. Without the nine lives though, she only has three left.