[quote=@Rocketman] I will admit that I am quite a suicidal person. I have been since I was young, and it is something that I consider frequently to this day. A lot of the times I think about it I try to come up with reasons not go through with it. I'm interested in the perspectives of both those who are in a similar situation to myself, who have contemplated taking their own lives, as well as those who haven't. What reasons do you have for someone not to kill themselves. [/quote] Simplest reason: dying is painful, and messy. Especially when you are more or less forced to watch as they suddenly realize for themselves that instant-kills, [i]aren't[/i]. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nglh-BExEus]Good times.[/url] Last thing I've seen with half their brain-matter spilled on the pavement still kept flapping their jaws for a good 15 minutes. Think about that, while watching the clock, for 15 minutes. Unable to talk, unable to cry, unable to stop yourself from dying because the one thing that could've saved you, lies at your feet and not inside your head. I've had a petty bad skull fracture myself, [i]and survived[/i]. So believe me that such is not a road you want to go down willingly.