As it turned out, she put up her sharpening too soon. She had assumed that they would be landing in the next minute or two after the announcement...but she still didn't feel the airship descending at all. Seemed she had jumped the gun and now her restless energy had no output. Cinis was a woman of action. She often had trouble staying still or content when she had no task to occupy her energy. Patients, outside of a fight at least, had never been a strong suite of hers. Her hand rested on the hilt of her sheathed sword, her fingers drumming restlessly on the smooth surface. She had been sitting still for too long and had to burn some energy or she was going to burst into flames. But there wasn't much in the way of options for her to do anything really, even if they were not yet landing they would be in the very near future. She had already put up her weapon maintenance gear into her pack and getting out again simple to put it right back up once they did land didn't sit well with her herself of productivity. She turned away for the view. They were so high up the ground below them hardly seemed to be moving at all and the perceived slow pace maddened her restless spirit further. She decided then she needed to stretch her legs, walking about the cabin was better than standing still wishing for something to do. The raven haired girl began to carefully walk her way about the ship's cabin. She had to take extra care. While the ship wasn't overly crowded she did have shield strapped to her back that was nearly as tall as her and almost as wide of two of her put together. She was well used to its size and weight so moving with it was not a problem to her anymore, but maneuvering a crowd without jostling anyone was something of a challenge at times. Especially a group as distracted and excited as hunters and huntresses in training about to arrive at school. While she walked she took in her peers, wondering who among these many students would be her team members. It was impossible to say, and foolish to place hopes for anyone specific. Especially since she didn't know any of them. While she was going to Beacon that was partly because she wanted away from her home while she trained for a better chance at a fresh start. Everyone she knew was still in Mistral. And even when she had been training at Sanctum she hadn't been the most social. She didn't really know anyone here she realized with a odd moment of loneliness. Her brothers and sisters, her only real friends, were all back home. She pushed the thought away and refocused on looking about the cabin. That when she noted a young man with a mask getting horribly close to a sleeping fellow. She frowned slightly, she didn't know what exactly was happening but she knew it wasn't polite to be that close to someone, much less disturb a sleeping individual. she re settled herself, carefully near a reading woman and decided to observe what happened between them. If things looked like trouble perhaps she would intervene.