[color=9e0b0f]Ferrin felt someone messing with his arm. After the inital shock, his first reaction was rage, [i] I am not some damn lab experiment to be poked at! [/i] He snarled inwardly. He suppressed his rage and cracked his eye open just enough so he could see who it was. [i] He is just a kid, [/i] Ferrin realized as his anger melted away. [i] Probably fascinated by the mechanics of my arm, I can understand that. Even among unusual weapons, mine is very strange. [/i]His next reaction was embarrassment [i] How do you politely ask someone to stop messing with your arm? [/i] He wondered. Without opening his eyes and in a conversational tone, all he said was "It is a beauty is it not?"[/color] [color=00aeef]Nor's head snapped up as heard the voice, realizing he must have disturbed the sleeping man, embarrassment washing over him quickly, for once glad for the mask he wore covering the rush of blood to his face. He relaxed as he realized the owner of the gauntlet didn't seem too put out by his examination, probably used to such curiosity, much as Nor himself had grown used to the stares gained by his own oddities. He returned his attention the weapon, nodding in agreement with the observation. "Your certainly not wrong on that count," he agreed, his voice having an old quality as it reverberated out of the mask, "it's rather elegant in its design, though it seems better suited as armor than a weapon, I can hardly imagine it can fit much dust into such a slim design," he said aloud, though it seemed he was speaking to himself rather than his new acquaintance. He scooted back, stretching put his left hand to the fellow student, "Name's Nor, resident of Vale's north har-..." he stopped himself, far away look in his eyes, "former resident of north harbor." [/color] [color=9e0b0f]Ferrin was not surprised at the strange tone of Nor s voice, but he did wonder at the reason he was wearing the mask. Ferrin opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow at the kid's out-stretched hand. "My name is Ferrin." He said "Its a pleasure to meet you." As for my weapon here, It is slimmer than usual, because, its not a gauntlet. The dust and ammunition is stored in the arm itself."[/color] [color=00aeef]Nor nodded at the explanation, awkwardly retracting the offered hand. While he'd never seen anyone actually do it, it wasn't the first time he'd heard of someone infusing their body directly with Dust. It was practice originating in the early days of Dust use, although it had fallen to the fringes with the use of dust cartridges. "So did you make it yourself," he asked, curiosity evident in his voice, eager to learn about the process of making a Dust focus.[/color] [color=9e0b0f] "Well, yes and no." Ferrin said carefully. "I took the original design, improved on it, then weaponized it. I even made it able to transform. How I did it, I will keep to myself, I have to have some secrets after all." He said the last part with a slight grin.[/color] [color=00aeef]Nor held his hands up in defeat, chuckling at the response. He could understand the possessive attitude towards your own designs. He felt the same about Jet Stream, although he doubted there was much call for weapons that weigh as much as small motorcycle, "Fair enough, suppose I'll have something to look forward to then," he said, curiosity sated as he stood from his crouched position. He turned his head to look out the window, seeing the towers of Beacon quickly approaching. He let out a sigh, cracking his back, "looks like we're about to land, so maybe I won't have to wait so long after all," he said before extending a hand down to help Ferrin up, going through a mental checklist so he didn't leave anything behind.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Ferrin accepted the offered hand this time. "Well," he said, "I will see you later, Sharky." He winked and chuckled as he disappeared into the crowd of other students.[/color] [color=00aeef]Nor cringed at the name, rolling his eyes as he readjusted Jet Stream to a more comfortable position, making his way to the exits.[/color]