[center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext121379925606950_zpshefzcr4z.png[/img][/center] Having taken the lead once more and moving towards the food court hoping Tony would stay close behind her. She wasn't entirely sure where her courage had come from as she carefully skirted around the larger chunks of glass on the floor, her eyes flicking across the area in front of them eyeing any suspicious hiding place. The only thing keeping her completely focused right now was the invisible responsibility of having Tony with her, it wasn't like Christina to allow him out of her sight and Mercy was determined to make sure nothing would happen to him whilst he was with her. The food court had been trashed just like the rest of the mall, some of the seating areas had been penned off by waist high decorative wooden fencing that in the past had glass panels mounted on top of them. Now the glass was splayed across the tiled floor shimmering in the afternoon light that filtered in through the roof above them. Mercy noted that splodges of blood and large splinters of wood were haphazardly strewn across the floor as well. She inched across the glass sweeping her eyes across the disorganised chaos within the food court, upturned tables and tangled chairs, all of which could be a potential hiding place for the undead. Some of the tables had been secured to the floor stopping them from being tossed around in the chaos, though they held the worse stains some even looked like they had corroded. Lining each of the walls was some form of food restaurant each of which could have been hiding zombies behind their broken counters. Her eyes were focused on another pair of escalators at the far end of the food court, wondering whether the foliage around its base was hiding anything unpleasant as well. Mercy held her bow in her right hand and gripped one of her arrows tightly in her left, it would take her a little longer to shoot an arrow like this but at least she had something to defend herself with in confined areas. Before going any deeper into the food court she turned to glance at Tony over her shoulder, she felt uncomfortable with continuing forward when the others seemed to have stopped. Continuing forward would put them a disadvantage if something wandered out of one of the food stores it would split them off from the others. The logical thing to do would be to either pick a side to go along or wait for the others to catch up. The blonde lifted her eyes to glance up at the second floor, she'd been in malls before though it was a shame it didn't fill her with the same joy as it used to, instead it filled her with an alarming amount of dread...there were so many places for the zombies to hide in here. Pushing the thought aside she refocused on the task at hand. [color=lightseagreen]"Should we wait?"[/color] She mouthed to Tony, glancing at him over her shoulder so as not to turn her back on the room in front of them. As she waited for him to answer a rather threatening yell split the silence, causing her to inhale sharply as she jolted to face the direction it had come. Despite her initial shock she recovered fairly quickly, turning towards Tony she made to grab for him -careful not to catch him with her arrow as she did- in an attempt to tug him along with her as she dove for the nearest cover she could find. [color=lightseagreen]"Over here quick"[/color] She murmured careful to keep her voice down as she slunk down behind one of the tables that had been turned on its side, it didn't shelter them from the left side of the mall but it did from the right. Providing Tony had followed her she whispered [color=lightseagreen]"Stay down..."[/color] whilst quickly arming her bow with the arrow in her hand. If Tony didn't follow her, she reluctantly left her cover to follow him instead, hastily sliding her arrow into her bow as she moved trying to make out what the now muffled voices were saying.