"S- Sir! The man survived the trap, he managed to evade it despiste our efforts, even though we exectued the task with precis-" The soldier was interrupted by Allectus, who said in a calm tone "I see, it's just as I though, this man... Keitaro, he possesses incredible powers, I can feel them emmanating from here, his spirit is composed not by his only existence, but is also composed of animals, this is truly incredible", Allectus then gave an order: "Show no further resistance, let the man come to me, open the Tree entrance and unlock the stairway to the top, He passed the first task, now it's time for the second part of the test" The soldiers quickly opened the entrance through the huge Tree, the stairway would lead directly to the top, and all the other branches were locked shut, Allectus was waiting pacifely in the highest branch, [i]Perhaps, today my Key will pass along, I hope it brings peace where it goes...[/i] he though to himself, waiting for the challenger.