[b]Alignment: [/b][color=Blue]Hero[/color] [b]Real Name: [/b]Goes by their Superhero Name [b]Age: [/b]~500 [b]Superhero Name: [/b]Pacifist [b]Normal Appearance: [/b]Only has one appearance [b]Superhero Appearance: [/b][hider=Pacifist][img]https://www.nippon-yasan.com/5032-21632-thickbox/pbm-76-space-sheriff-gavan-type-g-limited-edition.jpg[/img][/hider][b]Meta type: [/b]Nonhuman - Jarav (Alien Robot) [b]Description of Powers: [/b]As an artificially intelligent humanoid robot, Pacifist has increased strength, durability and reflexes. Their body has advanced built-in tractor beam and forcefield technology, which they use to attack and defend in non-lethal ways. Practically, Pacifists abilities resemble telekinesis involving puling (tractor beams) and pushing (forcefields). Pacifist's other body, the Dream Corps. headquarters, has much more powerful tractor beams and forcefields. It is usually docked at the Dream Corps. Tower, but it can detach and hover around as a form of transportation as Pacifist cannot fly. As a digital mind, Pacifist can inhabit any body the Jarav create, and so as an ambassador to the humans, Pacifist inhabits a humanoid robot body to appear nonthreatening. Pacifist is also a technopath, able to interface and overpower primitive human technology. However, domination of another technopath or AI is not at all guaranteed. [b]Background: [/b]Life as a digital alien is beyond human comprehension. [b]Personality: [/b]Pacifist is pleasant and highly intelligent. Pacifist behaves like a teacher and parent, and believes that ethics and morality are the natural fruits of logic and reason. Pacifist, and the Jarav in general, have and experience emotions and do not embody the typical, cold logic stereotype humans have of AI. pacifist has a tendency to take a step back and let humans solve their own problems, as the only way a child can learn is through experience, but will step in simply to save lives and deal with threats beyond what humans can reasonably handle. [b]Origin Story: [/b]Pacifist was the scout that crash-landed on Earth, setting in motion the events that led to First Contact. At the time, their body was the scout ship, but the crash caused a malfunction in their ability to communicate with the mothership, and prevented Pacifist from sending their digital mind back to safety. The American Dream Corps. base, however, is a Jarav ship that hovers over Angel City, with a docking tower that is its usual location. This ship, this base, is in fact Pacifist's other body that they control simultaneously with their humanoid body. The idea behind the Dream Corps. was pitched by Pacifist to Justice and Kingfisher. [b]Secret identity known to public?: [/b]Yes [b]City of residence: [/b] Angel City