[i]Explosions hurt.[/i] Aedan thought as the ground sped under his soaring body. Of course his body was soaring in the same way a rock is lobbed from a catapult. Actually no, nothing like that. More like someone who is immune to fire gets launched away by the concussive blast of a petrol station. That was a little closer to accurate. At least this time he hadn't actually caused the explosion himself which made a pleasant change. Although that hardly mattered as he hit the ground rolling before getting unsteadily to his feet with a graze on his left cheek. [i]Landing hurts more though. I'd forgotten about that.[/i] The smoking wreckage of the bus lay on it's side before him as alarm bells added to the cacophony of other sounds like burning and more burning. Other than those sounds it was noticeably silent which made a lump rise in Aedan's throat. The driver of the bus had left, undoubtedly for the restroom, so he should be safe but the other passenger of the ride was still in there. Only the one though since there was really only one reason to take a bus all the way out here and most normal people didn't know about it. Without a second thought he ran towards the flames and began climbing into the bus. The metal should be searing his skin but simply didn't. His cloths also should have turned to ash already and although Aedan had never really been sure why they didn't although he put that down to some sort of otherworldly plot convenience. Smoke was not something he was immune to unfortunately and he sincerely regretted not finding some sort of wet cloth to hold over his mouth. It didn't mean he could give up, just that he had to be quick. A man in punk styled clothing and make-up lay still near the back of the bus and Aedan rushed over, putting his fingers to the side of his neck before removing them and slinging one of the man's arms over his shoulder and heading back towards the entrance. "Man, you need to cut down on those piercings. Eating something other than bricks would be a good idea too." Aedan grunted under the weight. Another 'small' explosion rocked the vehicle over completely in a manner that ended up with him falling though a hole ripped in the side of the bus. Relieved to be out in the open, he dragged the punk a few more meters away before dropping him and taking a few grateful mouthfuls of air. A voice started yelling in the distance and Aedan smiled as he hurried away into the surrounding trees. And that was why Aeden arrived at the gates of Gringore Academy covered in dirt and smelling strongly of smoke. Glancing at his wrist he reminded himself he didn't have a watch, nor had he ever had one so there was no real reason for him to check there. Nevertheless he did and he cursed his luck before grabbing the closest student and, after a brief interrogation, discovered that it was a bit after 8:00. "Hell I made good time." He muttered as he let the student go about their day as usual before Aedan's questions led to knowledge about what exactly he was meant to do next. Figuring the most direct course of action would be the wisest, he headed for the main building hoping that sooner or later someone would approach him, either to kick him out or to tell where he should go to start classes.