[hider=Kenshin] Display Name: Kenshin Real Name: Kenshin Takami Age: 17 Appearance: [img]http://prokopetz.net/images/posted/sterk.jpg[/img] Background: Kenshin was born in the coastal city of Niigata and is about as nerdy as you can get. His parents have always stressed the importance of following one’s own interests. The problem is, Kenshin doesn’t like social activities. Kenshin often overworks himself in school and is quite hard on himself when it comes to failure. He is pretty solitary in nature and enjoys reading or playing video games over all else. He mostly plays video games offline and by himself, though recently has been playing more online. He met Hiro, Alexander, and Mizuki separately in different video games and, despite never having met them in person, considers them to be among his few friends. When he heard of the Nerve Gear, Kenshin consulted with the trio and was persuaded to purchase it himself along with SAO. Kenshin planned on meeting up with Hiro, Alexander, and Mizuki in Aincrad and perhaps joining a guild with them if they’d have him. He thought it would help him get over his aversion to social interaction. When the game started however, Kenshin found himself trapped in an eternal hell surrounded with people and no way to get out. Shortly after entering the game, however, Kenshin found his neighbor and first love, Alphard. The two instantly partied up and have been working together since. SAO Player Build: Two-handed katana user with light to medium armor. Also carries several throwing picks for medium range. [/hider]