[@Eschatologist]Nah, you're doing fine. [quote=@Wind Wild] This sounds very interesting, mostly because you seem to have an idea of where you want the story to go and still give players freedom. I also like how fast it seems to be moving so far. So I'm not committed just yet but if you still have space left, I'd like to ask a few questions. 1. Are we working as a team on set missions or independently? If it's independent, do you assign those as GMs or do we create our own? 2. Are there animal familiars, gods, spirits? 3. Is there necromancy of any sort? Thanks for your time and looking forward to hearing from you soon. :) [/quote] 1. Depends, and they'll be GM-created. 2. No familiars, yes there are gods, ??? 3. No. So, here's what the plan is so far. Riknas, the other GM, has been out of sorts for a while. This thread is sort of dangling right now, but that's alright if y'all are willing to soldier through slow updates. Everyone get inside, sit down, and I'll set you up on your first big adventure.