The fog was steadily stretching forward, inching closer and closer to the rest of the downtown neighborhood. The further it stretched out, the more dead and unconscious people would be "revived". Khan watched the chaos from the rooftops, as her zombies went to work, the fog would change their perceptions. Eventually they wouldn't even know if what they're seeing is real or not. Khan turned her head, and saw that two more NEST Agents were joining the fray. Good. Even [i]less[/i] NEST Agents to worry about during future plans. Three flares went skywards in the far distance, and Khan raised her head and looked at them. One blue, one red, and one green. [i]They're done. They did it and nobody knows of this deception.[/i] Khan successfully played her part of the plan. She raised her hand, and kicked the generation of the fog into overdrive. Instead of a slow and steady creation of the fog, the fog quickly spread at a breakneck pace. In less than a few minutes, the fog had completely covered most of the downtown district. Reviving the dead, along with sending a spooky message to the Fiends, "[i]My Fiends... my Deviants... it's time to get the fuck out of there before they kill the fuck out of you all.[/i]" Her words would only be heard by fellow Fiends. Immediately, they quickly retreated, taking everything they had stolen into the sewers (Or just making a break for the many bridges in and out of the city), and hauling ass from the Festival. Khan kept the fog going for awhile, until as many Fiends could get away as possible. Until the fog had completely vanished, revealing the aftermath of the carnage. Any Fiends that were reanimated simply disintegrated. It revealed blood, dead bodies, broken buildings, bullets, and that sort. The kind of thing that this city would remember for years to come. Khan nodded her head... She turned into the fog, then flew into a manhole. [hr][h1][i][color=007236]Michelle Brianna Gallus[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@He Who Walks Behind][@Maxx][/sub][hr] [color=007236][i]Get your finger off the trigger, Gallus.[/i][/color] Michelle thought to herself, as she realized that the fog would begin to get to her soon. Shooting like a maniac would be a great way to dash her job security. One of the zombies rushed up to her, and Michelle grabbed it's forearms with both hands. It was yelling, and Michelle kicked it in the stomach to make it stumble away. Michelle quickly rushed up, and smashed the creature's face in with the butt of her gun. That wasn't enough to stop it, it rushed her again, and she knelt forward a bit, and kicked it in the knee, bending it backwards. The creature fell down on it's face - which Michelle promptly stomped on with all her strength, crushing it's skull in. It stopped moving. Michelle quickly whipped around, she heard Andy and Selena dealing with some of the creatures in the meantime. She wondered if she should transform [i]even further[/i]. It'd give her an edge against these fuckers, better than this gun- A fireman, with his face bloody, charged at her with a fireaxe raised above his head. [color=007236][i]Fuck! Why didn't I notice him!?[/i][/color] She thought to herself, as she did the only logical course of action. She raised her arm for a block, then took a few steps back. The axe came down at high speeds... Then just went through her. Disappearing. She stared off into the distance, doe-eyed. Just more reason to put the gun away. [i]"Get down!"[/i] Michelle heard rather close to her, and she immediately dropped to one of her knees, as bullets came flying overhead. She looked over her shoulder, and saw a familiar figure, she recognized his scent. It was Sam Clarke. [color=007236]"Thanks for the assist, Agent Cla-"[/color] She was cut off by a very overweight zombie jumping on her back and slamming her to the ground with a thump. [color=007236]"[i]Oomph![/i]"[/color] She said as her armored shoulder hit the ground. The zombie laid on her, spread eagle, and started biting her - fortunately, he couldn't find exposed flesh because of her armor. She bent her leg, pulling it forward close as possible, and pushed off of it with all her strength in order to flip herself over. She brought her shotgun above her head, and slammed it down on his skull, raising it up again, and slamming it again. Until the creature's skull was obliterated. She hopped back up to her feet - [color=007236][i]We can't keep fighting these things forever, they'll overwhelm us eventually, that's what Khan wants[/i][/color] - and looked around. All she heard was gunshots and fighting. There couldn't have been that many people killed, could there? [i]"Agent. I suggest relocating to a more tactically viable area. Consider a bottleneck."[/i] Andy suggested it. She hadn't thought about it herself because - holy shit, she's been fighting for her life for the last twenty minutes. Never before has she seen a warzone like this, only all out Meta-brawls on the streets. Right now, an alleyway was better than standing out here in the street. From her utility belt, Michelle produced a flashlight, and put it on high. The light shined brightly through the fog. [color=007236]"Everyone, follow me! Follow the light!"[/color] She shouted as she charged into the nearest alleyway - holding the light above her so everyone could see it. She ran into the alleyway, and her companions followed her. She turned around, and kept her bloody shotgun held tightly with both hands. Zombies began charging into the alleyway - she could smell the death and decay on them, and hear them shambling - the first one that walked up got the butt of a shotgun across the face, and was quickly kicked into the crowd. She got on top of them, and started shooting them in the head. More started pulling in... Michelle was afraid to go full auto with her shotgun because she feared she'd kill an innocent civilian. Christ. Things weren't looking good. What was she going to do? Stand here and fight off every zombie? She'll run out of energy, or bullets, doesn't matter what happens first. Things weren't looking all that good right now... Michelle heard a group of the damn creatures walking up. They grouped up together, and peered into the alley. They quickly rushed her at speeds inhuman, and she responded by wildly swinging at them, closing her eyes, and realizing this was the moment where it all ended. Michelle didn't feel her gun hit a single one of them.[i] They weren't real.[/i] She wasn't sure if she wanted to be happy, or disappointed. Either way, she remained on guard... She wondered where that bitch Khan was. If she took out Khan, then all of this would be over. Then the fog began to fade. It disappeared just like that. Michelle was wondering if [i]this[/i] was another hallucination - then she remembered Intel saying that the fog is always present in Khan's hallucinations. Michelle, armed with her shotgun, walked out of the alleyway. [color=007236]"Stick close..."[/color] She said. She popped out of the alleyway, and looked around. The chaos was... it's all over. She didn't hear anymore gunshots, or fighting in the distance, and there was not a Fiend in sight... Yet, all she could smell was blood. It overwhelmed her nose, now that the fog was gone. She grabbed onto her radio, and held onto the button, [color=007236]"Control, what's the situation?"[/color] She spoke into her radio. "Agent Gallus," Ariella (Not the director) said through the radio, "Khan spread her fog all over the district, before the Fiends retreated." [color=007236]"So it's all over?"[/color] Michelle replied. "Not quite, the Director wants to preform damage control." Ariella said, "Your orders are to escort civilians out of the area, and...." Ariella trailed off. [color=007236]"Yeah, what is it?"[/color] Michelle asked. "... Did you get the Fiend's mutagen?" Ariella asked, in a very worried and low tone - which tipped off Michelle that something was wrong. Michelle reached into her utility belt, and pulled out the syringe. [color=007236]"... Yeah, I got it."[/color] [hr][h1][i][color=00FFFF]Jennifer Marissa Caspin[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@ToadRopes][@Valhalla][/sub][hr] Jen dropped the pipe. The man thanked her, and she felt legitimately happy. She helped someone. In her head, she mentally fist pumped. Now what? She wondered where the hell she was supposed to run. While she was wondering what she had to do, Malik was comforting the girl, and Jen could only feel a twinge of sympathy for them. Nobody asked for this - for a moment, Jen wondered if Penny was in the Festival, she honestly hoped not. It'd be better if she found Penny... anywhere that wasn't fucking here. Her reverie was broken when the man introduced himself as [i]Malik[/i], and the girl as [i]Kiara[/i]. Well, she honestly wasn't expecting for them to introduce themselves. She looked down at them. [color=00FFFF]"...[i] Jennifer[/i]."[/color] She said, cutting out the unnecessary words. Jennifer heard someone roll up on skates, and she turned towards her.... "[i]Jennifer, I'm so sorry, I should've checked behind me more often and not gone so fast,[/i]" Ratchet started off, "I don't think we can stay here very long." Ratchet came back for her, she came back. Right when Jenny thought that Ratchet had long abandoned her, she came back. Jennifer smiled - and without thinking about it, she gave Ratchet a hug. Like Ratchet was a long time friend that had come back for Jen. [color=00FFFF]"Thank you, I wanted to hear that..."[/color] Then she realized how inappropriate it was right now. She detached from Ratchet, and took a step back. [color=00FFFF]"Um... It's okay."[/color] She realized how awkward it was. Ratchet was right, and so was Malik. They needed to get out of there, they can play meet & greet later. [color=00FFFF]"Uh, right, we [i]really[/i] should, uh, leave."[/color] Jennifer looked around - [color=00FFFF][i]I wonder what happened to Ratchet's family, I hope they're okay[/i][/color] - before she started running, [color=00FFFF]"Follow me!"[/color] Where were they going? She honestly didn't know, she was heading in the direction she was heading with Ratchet before they got separated. This time, she wasn't going to fall. Nor let anyone trip her, she was going to keep running until they were out of here. "Hey, you kids!" A man shouted at them as they ran by. By all reason, Jennifer should have kept running past him, but she peaked, and saw that it was a member of the VPD (Going off the uniform and police cap). Jennifer stopped. "This way! We're directing people out of the neighborhood over here!" He threw a thumb backwards, which made Jen nod her head and run in that direction. It wasn't long before she saw the line of police officers guarding the bridge, along with SWAT vans. She kept running, and running, and running - because victory was close. "[b][i]Look out, what's that?![/i][/b]" One of the police officer shouted, pointing in a direction behind Jen. Okay, the movies told her never to look behind her... but she looked behind her. Jen saw the wave of fog approaching fast from behind. Which made her run even faster - but she couldn't outrun the wave of the blue miasma. It blanketed her vision, she couldn't see a thing. Only thing she could see was the fog. People were screaming in the distance, and she heard gunshots. "Zombies!" A woman screamed. "Everyone, clear the area!" [color=00FFFF]"[i]... Guys?![/i]"[/color] Jennifer shouted to her friends, and she couldn't hear a thing over all the bullets and shouting. Jen was moving slowly, she couldn't hear her footsteps. She wasn't sure if she should keep moving forward or- In the blink of an eye, something went clean through her stomach. Before she could even react, it was over a flash. Leaving behind a trail of stomach acid and blood. She was falling backwards - [color=00FFFF][i]I... never stood a chance.[/i][/color] - she saw nothing but fog, even as her vision was forced skywards. She had no idea who shot the bullet - if she was even hit by a bullet. Jennifer hit the ground with a thud - [color=00FFFF][i]I'm not dead, am I?[/i][/color] - and blood flew out of her mouth. She laid there, motionless. Her head off to the side. Her regenerative factor almost immediately kicked in, and corrected the damage. Which is why she wasn't bleeding all that much, the blood was being clot at astonishing rates, and the hole was being closed. Her backup organs kicked into action, and kept her alive. Someone walked up to her - [color=00FFFF][i]Where are the footsteps?[/i][/color] - and stood over her. Jen looked up, and saw that it was Penny. It had to be. The girl was the same height as she remembered her, and had the same Caucasian features. She was even wearing the same outfit. "Hey." Penny said. [color=00FFFF]"Penny, you're-"[/color] Jenny said, excited. Penny reached down, and put her finger to her lips - [color=00FFFF][i]Is she even touching me...?[/i][/color] - and said, "No, no, rest, Jenny. Let your healing factor do it's work." [color=00FFFF]"I'm glad to see that you're okay, I've been looking all over for you."[/color] Jenny looked around.. and she couldn't hear a thing. Everything just turned into a blur. The screaming, the shooting, and the general chaos. Maybe... "I know." Penny said. [color=00FFFF]"I... wanted to talk to you about something, I..."[/color] Jennifer trailed off, and wondered what she should say next. Maybe dying on the ground isn't the best time to be asking these questions. She felt the pain in her wound peak, and she squirmed in agony a bit. "It's okay, you can ask me late-" Penny was cut off by the fog faded away, and Penny disappeared. [color=00FFFF]"... Huh?!"[/color] Jennifer said, as she got up, and looked around. [color=00FFFF][i]Wait...[/i][/color] Jenny looked down, and saw that the wound was gone. It was closed, and replaced with porcelain-colored flesh. Aside from the hole in her clothes, and blood, there was not a trace that she's been shot. She wondered if anything that just happened, actually happened. She was content with saying that the gunshot never happened, but.... [color=00FFFF]"Was she even there...?"[/color] Jennifer asked herself. She climbed up to her feet, where everyone was looking confused. She inhaled, and loudly shouted, [color=00FFFF]"[i][b]GUYS, WHERE ARE YOU?![/b][/i]"[/color] [hr][h1][i][color=8dc73f]Fiona Ashley Barrett[/color][/i][/h1][hr] It was absolute chaos out there. Fiona was hiding in her dumpster, and she could hear all of it. She curled up into a ball, and prayed that all of this would be over soon. A stray bullet ricochet off the dumpster, and made Fiona loudly yelp. She couldn't stay here! She had to get out of here! Just risk it. Fiona pushed the dumpster lid open slightly to peak out, and saw that the coast was clear, and hopped out onto her feet. The hood of her cloak was down, with the whole seeing that she was a Metahuman. Didn't matter. With all this chaos, it's unlikely that she'll be noticed in all of it. She made a quick hop to the corner of the alleyway, peaking around the corner. There was a group of four Fiends heading her way, all armed with automatic weapons. "Hey! Look!" One of the Fiends shouted, spotting Fiona. They ran towards her, brandishing her vials of mutagen and stabbing themselves with them. Fiona yipped as she quickly ducked back in the cover. She could hear them getting closer and closer - and she got more and more worried. Before she just simply went "fuck it" and made a break for it. Fiona squatted down as low as she would go, then shot off her legs high up into the air. In an attempt to get up on the roof. The Fiends immediately spotted Fiona, and began firing wildly at her. Most of the bullets missed... because the Fiends suck ass at shooting. The ledge of the building got closer and closer, she outstretched her hand to grab it. Then... She felt something go into her body, that made her body go limp. She quickly fell - hitting the wall, and rolling onto the ground, and hitting it with a thud. Her exoskeleton cracked on impact. Fiona felt a pain like no other in her side. She put her hand over it, and felt something wet. She displayed her hand saw green blood all over it. [color=8dc73f][i]Oh, God, oh, God, oh God![/i][/color] The thoughts ran through Fiona's head as her heart raced. [i]She was going to die here. These men were going to kill her.[/i] She fell into shock as her thought process became frantic. The Fiends were getting closer. Her vision was fading. One of the Fiends were shot in the chest, and fell down. Fiona could (barely) hear footsteps coming, she felt someone grab her by the shoulder, and start pulling her away. Then an armored man, with the NEST Logos on his back, stepped into her field of view. Armed with a rifle, he began shooting at the Fiends. "Quickly!" One of the NEST Agents shouted, as he provided covering fire. He was shooting wildly at the Fiends in order to force them into cover. It wasn't long until Fiona was dragged out of view of him... That's when she fell unconscious. The NEST Agent dragged Fiona all the way to the safe zone, and when he walked up to the ambulances, he said, "She's injured!" They looked at her, then looked at the NEST Agent like he was crazy. "What do we do with her?!" One of the paramedics asked. "Take her to the NEST base, ASAP!" He shouted, before he turned around to see a group of teenagers running towards them... and the Fog. "Hurry up! We don't know what that stuff is!" The Paramedics put Fiona on a stretcher and quickly hauled her out of there.