[@Cuccoruler] "That... has probably got to be the most ironic way to prove such a thing," Abaddon chuckled while shaking his head. Least she wasn't asking him to do something completely absurd; this was a request he could and would gladly carry out. Abaddon followed Linia, and though he could have easily flown in the direction she was headed towards, he opted to travel by rooftops for his own amusement. It felt good to be back in human cities again. Abaddon soon came to the spot where the fish people were attacking. Bodies of law enforcement officers and destroyed vehicles littered the ground, and more were being added to their numbers with each passing minute. There were also some civilians caught in the battle, but thankfully very little. In fact, it seemed that there were no civilians running around in the streets at all, something which was always the case in surprise monster attacks. "Looks like they evacuated prior to this, meaning these attacks have been an ongoing thing for this city. Okay..." Abaddon looked down to see Linia expertly slicing monster after monster with her sword. Her skills might have been impressive, but unfortunately for her the sheer number of sea creatures advancing on her would be enough to overwhelm. Abaddon dove off the building and flew directly above her, screeching loudly to distract the fish men as his tendrils coursed with magic and fired off red bolts. The supernatural lightning arced its way through multiple creatures, leaving large and sizzling holes in their bodies. With several of them dead, Linia now had some breathing room and could continue to attack the rest of her enemies with confidence. Of course, there were plenty more of these sea aberrations left to deal with, but Abaddon would slaughter them all with ease. A phalanx charged towards him, and Abaddon waited for them to get closer to butcher them all in random sequence. Once they were at a certain distance, Abaddon shot multiple shadowy tendrils from his body and impaled the formations forerunners. They slithered through their numbers, piercing through their bodies with ease until all of the unfortunate fishies suffered where they stood. "Anybody want some sushi?" The tendrils morphed, becoming wide, serrated blades that butchered the poor creatures on the spot. Gore remained on some of the tendrils as they returned to Abaddon, and he nonchalantly picked sizable chunks of these off to eat as he headed for another team of the aquatic soldiers. [b]Sheol's waters are in need of more diverse specimens![/b] Drevenon yelled as Abaddon held the leader of one of the groups up by the neck. [b]Surrender to us now and you and your lot shall all avoid a painful demise![/b] Abaddon "waited" for this particular group to give some sign of compliance. They wouldn't have long though, and he made this clear by sending more tendrils to slowly slither their way...