Chris lifted the rifle over her shoulders and loosened the strap some, enough to yank it back into her hands as soon as possible, but not enough to create too much noise when she walked, so long as she was careful. She waited a moment for Cat to inspect the doorway and enter the store room, then followed. She kept an arm's reach of distance between herself and Cat, but peered over his shoulder at the contents of the box he opened. Confident they hadn't roused anything reanimated, Chris skirted around him and walked deeper into the store room. Metal shelves twice as tall as she stood in rows near the back, packed with cardboard boxes. She cleared the aisles the same way she'd done in the front of the store and, finding no other exit, returned to Cat. She crouched by the box, grunting quite unwillingly when a slight jolt of pain ran through her leg, and shrugged off her rifle and backpack. She kept the rifle between her legs as she piled chips, nutrition bars and cookies into the bag. When finished, Chris extended a hand to Cat and gestured to the first aid kit. Perhaps Mercy would find some relief in extra medical supplies. At the distant sound of a raised voice, Chris jumped up. "You hear that?" she asked. No walker made a sound like that, like words, as far as she knew. But those bastards had a way of learning new skills. She snatched the backpack and rifle up and jogged out of the room, slinging them over her shoulders as she went. The ache in her knee grew stronger the farther she jogged. Tony felt Mercy begin to slow and did the same, unwilling to walk more than three feet away from her. The muscles in his back twitched with the knowledge of her proximity, reminding him when he went too far or got too close. He opened his mouth to respond to her, but felt her fingers wrap around his upper arm and pull him aside. He recovered quickly, his reflexes improving significantly since the attack on the farm, and ducked behind a fallen table. His mind replayed the shout over and over until he was convinced it was human. He reluctantly acknowledged it did not mean they were safe, yet. Shifting his weight on the tiles, Tony turned the crowbar around in his calloused palm. "Can you make out what they're saying?" he asked in a choked whisper.