[b][u]Character by Sixsmith[/u][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HblKZ9e.jpg?1[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] November Theriault [b]Nickames/Alias/AKA: [/b] Nova [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]DOB:[/b] 1st November, 1988 [b]Occupation:[/b] Hunter [b]Race:[/b] Mortifero - Witch [b]Hair Color: [/b] Red [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Height and Build: [/b] 5'10" with an Athletic, yet willowy build. She's like her brother in that she looks more agile than strong. [b]Other Appearance:[/b] Though she was mostly raised in Louisiana most of her life, Nova never really took to the accent most of her family had. If anything, she took most of her mother's New Orleans accent than her father's heavy Cajun one. Once she and her brother took to traveling the country, she quickly grew out of that, as well. She's quite exceptional at faking accents, though, which may be a reason why she lacks one. Her voice, however, is a very high pitched soprano that has an airy quality to it, though it can get very sharp and precise whenever she gets upset or heated. She knows a lot of Louisiana French and French in general, as well as Spanish and Latin. As well, she doesn't have many distinguishing marks aside from her hair and eyes, but she does freckle more than she does tan. She's quite a lot paler than her usually well bronzed brother, of which she's intensely jealous of. How dare he. There is one things she often hides, however, and it's a group of sigils burned all down her spine. She knows exactly what they mean, but she never tells anyone. [b]History/bio:[/b] [Covered Mostly in Tate's Bio] A young witch with the gift to converse and control the dead, something deeply rooted in her family's history. Unfortunately, that meant more than just the good spirits. Her powers, once they fluctuated, attracted the scavengers of hell to spy on her talent as it grew with age. She wasn't merely more than a blip on their radar, but once she began dabbling into the occult itself, they drew their eyes toward her. Unknowing to their presence, Nova dove further and further into blacker and blacker waters until her efforts brought rotten fruit to the table. Of course, the entire act of such only came from curiosity and the naturalness that came with delving into the darker things in life. Her powers reached in so far and she, unwilling to be guided at the time, took the step in the wrong direction. And it attracted more than just malicious spirits, it brought on and rained hell upon her home. Of course, being a witch isn't the only thing the young lady is good at. Having a huntress for a mother and a long line of ladies having taken up the Deveraux mantle, it was only natural for Nova to be interested in the dangers of a hunter. Though her talents brought her more to the lore and research of it, Nova never skimped from the actual danger and strife that came with being a hunter. She aided her brother and mother in various outings and did so with excitement. But the further she delved into her powers and into the lore itself, the further she retracted herself from her own family. It wasn't until things erupted around her did she finally realize what she'd been doing all along. The occult sprouts many different beings and Nova had thought for sure her assumptions of the ones who offered her more knowledge was correct. Unfortunately, they took a turn for the worse and dragged Nova into a hell she thought impossible to break free from. The generosity and forgiveness of bother her Coven and hunter family was insurmountable and they reached deep into the pits to pull her from her own mistakes, at great cost. Not only that, it cost her brother his own freedom, now that he's forever tethered to her for her own protection, though he doesn't see it that way. She blames herself for a lot of mistakes, even ones outside of her control. But that doesn't quite stop the indomitable will that comes with a Theriault-Deveraux. She only ever wants to fix the mistakes of her past and allow her brother to finally be independent of her and live his own life. [b]Other/Extra:[/b] Nova is incredibly intelligent and technology savvy, with skills more in tune with the modern world. However, she's also an avid knife thrower and combatant, though not necessarily on par with her brother. She's far more capable of incapacitating her foes and devilish trickery, though acts of strength are out of her league. Has her own blog where she likes to post various things of geek culture as well as that of the culinary arts, as she's a fabulous cook. Not really, she's actually awful at cooking, but she doesn't really see that. She attended school one grade below her brother and, though she is a witch, she finds human customs extremely fascinating and convinced her Coven leader to, not only allow her to learn the ways of her people, but also that of humans. She is half human, after all, though she displays almost 100% witch genes. [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/94be65791cba5e0744c0f8973381824a/tumblr_mh4qbznyQi1qjpgs7o1_500.gif[/img]