[b]Alignment: [color=Blue]Hero[/color] [/b] [b]Real Name: [/b] Robert Cooper [b]Superhero Name: [/b] The Inquisitor [b]Normal Appearance: [/b] [hider=Robert Cooper][img]http://www.theroot.com/content/dam/theroot/blogs/the_grapevine/2014/10/chadwick_boseman_is_marvel_s_black_panther/455328228-actor-chadwick-boseman-poses-on-the-red-carpet-as-he.jpg.CROP.rtstoryvar-large.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Superhero Appearance: [/b] Robert wears a darkly coloured uniform under his exoskeleton akin to that of the US militaries advanced combat uniform. His exoskeleton is a dark black and consists of metal armour over his chest, arms, spine and legs. Underneath both the exoskeleton and the uniform is a light bulletproof vest. Robert also wears a completely unnoticable mask. The mask blends with his skin and accurately recreates his face while still providing protection. [b]Meta type: [/b] Human [b]Description of Powers: [/b] Robert is considered to be the worlds smartest man. His power revolves around the technology he invents and uses while acting as The Inquisitor. The main and sort of signature piece of technology being the numerous floating spheres that Robert uses. These spheres can be used in many ways including but not limited to: -Recording information -Acting as a weapon -Hacking into electronic devices. Seperate from this is Robert's mask. The mask not only acts as a means of hiding his identity but also adapts to the situation is put in. For example, if Robert was underwater it would adapt in order to allow him to breathe. Along with this is Robert's exoskeleton. It allows him to lift the weight of an average sized car up to about his waist and increases his speed to that of olympic standards. [b]Background: [/b] [b]Personality: [/b] [b]Origin Story: [/b] [b]Secret identity known to public?: [/b] Yes [b]City of residence: [/b] Unfinished