A huge block of concrete and rebar slammed into his left side, a hot wave of pain passed through his body as it struck his exposed bone. Sigmund was sent careening from his course and back inside of the building's second floor. The block embedded itself into the structure and he was sent feet first into the floor where he stumbled and fell to the ground again, catching himself with his hand. A constant stinging and ringing ran through his body and ears, the block hadn't even caused him to bleed but just by scraping across the exposed bone it had left him in unreasonable pain. Sigmund slapped the floor repeatedly, caving it in deeper and deeper with every strike before shoving himself back up to his feet and whipping around. His face beneath the cloak twisting into a fierce scowl, he knelt down slightly. The muscles in his legs tightened up as he readied for a full speed charge, the veins in his calves bulging as he tensed up. With his first step, the floor cracked under the force released by his step. And he was off in full sprint with his right arm raised to cover his face. Sigmund slammed into the still lodged block of concrete, dislodging it and sending it flying back in the direction that it came from. Behind the flying block that was heading towards Freedom, Sigmund pursued in a full bodied leap. Both legs and one arm extended forward to catch himself if Freedom managed to intercept the block. This would serve to add his weight to the block's own, increasing the impact on Freedom if he caught it.