[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/14/b5/4c14b5092557b0f190156babd5bb2b77.jpg[/img] [b]Nightshade[/b] Race: Elf Age:318 Appearance: She stands at 5ft 11inches in height, she is in fantastic physical shape, extrememly athletic and nimble, she is well aware of her physical features and often highlights her stunning eyes with various shades of eyeshadows. Nightshade has no problem with flaunting her assets if she thinks they will help her get the better side of any deals she makes. Personality: Nightshade is as callous and as deadly as her name, image and reputation suggest. She will kill anyone for the right amount of money, has no qualms with selling enchanted items, narcotics and weapons to any of the various gang members. She is very aloof in her dealings, making sure that whoever she deals with understands that it is only because she allowed the transactions to commence in the first place. Alone in a world dominated mostly by men, Night has made use of her feminine wiles and charms numerous times, although she would kill anyone in an instant if they were to utter any of this in her presence. She has hardened herself to the daily killings, rapings and gang related crimes that happen right outside her door. She does have a soft side though, any orphans that happen to be around her shop when she is ready to leave, will more often or not be given a handful of coins or several days worth of food. Bio: She has been the proud owner of the finest pawnbrokers shop for a long time, it seems that her, along with the "Broken Cutlass" have been a permanent fixture in the squalor and misery of the slums. Night lives alone, in a small apartment above the shop, although her numerous caches of hidden wealth could have her living in luxury, she remains adamant that if she lives in luxury she will lose her edge, and in her line of work, she needs to be on the top of her game. She is a highly competent shopkeeper, keeping her customers satisfied with her fair prices and dealings, however this is not how she has earnt the majority of her wealth. Nightshade is one of the deadliest assassins, she is often called on when the local mob bosses want their problems taken care of. Skilled in unarmed combat, swordplay, knifeplay and educated in a lot of different types of poisons, she is not a female to be messed with. Other: Nightshade's shop, "the Broken Cutlass" sits on top of an abandoned railway station, it is also home to her secret benefactor and long time ally, a red dragon known as "Furien", He knows all of the secrets throughout the slums, and major players of all the families. He is also the one who gives her the name of her latest target.