Aedan was staring at a brick wall. A pretty brick wall mind, nearly everything here was pretty by his standards, but a brick wall nonetheless. [i]So here I am.[/i] He thought to himself. Well obviously it was to himself. It wasn't like there was anyone else he could think to. Although... considering where he was that might not be true. [i]Damn, focus Aedan now where were you? Oh yes. You were here. An institute specifically designed to teach you about all kinds of secrets kept hidden from normal humans for eons. Also, you're staring at a well. While you talk to yourself. Well think to yourself. Aedan, are you mental?[/i] Luckily Aedan didn't have to answer Aedan because a voice from behind him made him let out an incredibly dignified yelp as he leapt majestically away from the person who spoke. [i]If you think that's how it looked you really are mental.[/i] He thought, once again, at himself. "Um," was Aedan's stellar reply. In all fairness he was a little nervous and it was not impossible that he had received a teeny-weeny bit of a heart attack from the stranger that he was now facing. "Yes?" That was an answer even if it did have a question mark next to it. Probably the correct one or at least close enough that he could pass it off. "I mean yes. Yup. Absolutely. I'm new. No wait, I'm Aiden. Right that's right." Aiden's Irish accent slipped out as he bumbled around the conversation like a puppy in a water fountain. That's a cute image. He held out his right hand, the one wrapped in a once clean bandage, to the man before him. "Sorry. you caught me off guard a bit." A lot. "I didn't catch your name..." He left the sentence hanging and his out for a shake for a proper introduction. "Well yeah. Like I said I'm new. Newer than a puppy in a fountain." Wait, that one was used already. Too late now. "One could perhaps say that I am lost. Not like completely, just to the point that I have no idea where to go. My invitation said to come here and that was it. No idea what to do next." Aedan glance hopefully at the stranger. Something was off about him and he couldn't quite place it. It was in his stance, the way he was carrying himself. This 'person was definitely not normal. Although nobody really was. "Maybe you could help me with one thing though, what kind of people come here?" He asked in an incredibly unsubtle way of trying to discern this young man's thingy. Whatever it was that meant people came here. Although you do give what you get Aidan offered a little of himself first. "Like, I can sort of screw with fire. A lot really. Can most people do that here?"