Reynard stepped off of the bus and looked around, his sister still tossed over his shoulder. Aside from his sister he also carried a bag of his own belongings as well as two cases that belonged to his sister. Once his eyes adjusted to the light he was able to appreciate the kind of place that they had entered. Not the worst kind of place but far from the best. In short, liveable but not much else. [colour=limegreen]“How does it feel now? Better?”[/colour] he heard his sister say, causing him to look over his shoulder toward the bus and its driver. [colour=goldenrod]“Ah, thank you miss, best ma poor ole back has felt in years,”[/colour] the bus driver said cheerfully to the girl draped over Reynard’s back. He tipped his hat toward the two siblings before closing the bus door and pulling away. Reynard smiled to himself. That was just like his sister. One moment she was an evil genius, the next a good girl helping a stranger simply because she could. [colour=limegreen]“You may put me down now,”[/colour] Claudette said softly as Reynard easily shifted her weight and placed her gently onto the ground. Once back on terra firma she took a moment to straighten out her outfit before running a hand experimentally through her long hair. As her hand reappeared another set of needles appeared with them which she casually slipped into her coat sleeves as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do. She stood next to her brother and looked around curiously. [colour=limegreen]“We’ve lived in worse,”[/colour] she said with no particular emotion, her brother nodding in agreement.