The sound of footsteps echoed down the hall, clearly audible above the conversation within the kitchen. Someone, or something, was coming, and whatever it was, it wore size fourteen boots. Soon enough, the newcomer became visible to the group gathered in the dining area. A young man, unreasonably tall and built like an American football player. A cap obscured most of his features, though he was clearly Asian in decent, and wore a long, dark coat over matching slacks and a tight-fitting shirt. He said nothing, his face still cast downwards, and a lit cigarette hanging from his lip. Rather, introductions were made by the small girl that preceded him. Unnoticed until she spoke, the girl looked to be no more than eight, dressed in a white sundress, and barely stood to the large man's waist. Her skin shined in the light like porcelain, and her knee-length hair shimmered like spun gold. Unsettling, however, were her great, gold eyes, which flickered like that of a predator. "Well well, it seems that this is the unsavoury to which we are assigned, my servant." The young girl said, her voice smooth and elegant, yet with an unmistakable touch of arrogance. The man merely grunted, his face still cast downward, and puffed on his cigarette.